Since Chris was in the hospital this week work ok'd for me to go back to work this Monday. My house is a mess, I'm over tired and I can't find time to even cook. How am I gonna get organized to cook, clean and take care of the boys next week. My husband and I will have opposite schld in order to keep the boys out of day care, so I won't get a break (meaning help) unless he has off. To top it all he has rotating days off, so is very rare that we get the same days off. I need a nanny, I need more money for a nanny. Oh well!
Re: How do u do it?
Ugh - I'm not sure what to tell you. DH and I work similar schedules (altho I go in early so I can leave early, and he goes in later and leaves later) and I don't have time to cook and have a cleaning service clean my house. All I do is concentrate on day to day and try to enjoy everything as much as I can. Being a working mom is HARD.
One thing that has helped is to plan (easy) recipes and go grocery shopping on the weekend to get what I need. Much easier for me to cook when I've got everything I need / have planned for. Crockpot also helps.
Baby #3 due September 12, 2014!
One thing that really helped me with dinner prep when the babies were really little was to set the table and do all the food prep during their afternoon nap. It felt awkward at first, setting the table for dinner around 2pm...but it really was nice to have everything ready, so that when they went to sleep again we could eat and not worry about all the prep work.