Hi there,
Gaven was in the NICU for 4 wks and Chris for 3. The boys had TTTS, Gaven was the donor and was anemic. Chris rcvd most of the nutrients and blood supply so he had to have some blood drawn since he had too much. Both boys had PDA. Chris was on a respirator for a couple of days and both had CPAPs (on and off for wks) nasal cannula and feeding tubes. But is amazing, if you see them today you could never tell other than they are still little. Its very hard being a mom of NICU babies. I delivered at a hospital that wouldn't keep babies born any earlier than 32 wks so when I had them they went to a different hospital. So I had my recovery all by my self. But once you hold them everything that you went thru is nothing compare to what they had to endure. Chris was back in the hospital this monday for an infection and all those memories came rushing back. One thing that I will advice you is to not be afraid and let other people know that is not OK to touch your babies. The boys are high risk for RSV. Make sure and ask your Doc to see if the insurance covers your shots. Let me know if you have any questions. Again congrats! and I will keep your boys in my prayers for a short stay at the NICU.