
Birth Story: The Davison Boys

I've read so many birth stories recently, I can't believe it's my turn! 

Last Thursday (9/25) we had our weekly OB appointment.  We were 32w5d and my OB told us that we had reached the point where we could now deliver at our local Level 2 hospital.  That evening I started contracting every 10 minutes.  The contractions were painful and I knew this was not BH... We got to the hospital and the contrax slowed down but the Dr decided to do an FFN test which turned out positive.  She admitted me at that point and we decided to reevaluate in the am.

The next day, I had no contrax until 2 pm. This time, I was feeling them every 10 minutes- they were not too painful but the level of pain was increasing.  The Dr put me on the monitor and the pain increased.  While I was still only feeling the contrax every 10 minutes, Dr told me that they were more like 5 minutes apart.  My cervix was closed but he decided to transfer me to our closest level 3 because he felt that I was going to progress.

Around 6 pm I was transferred by ambulance to Hamilton and was examined at 1 cm.  By midnight, I was at 2 cm and Dr decided to progress with C-Section.

I started throwing up as soon as I got my epidural and threw up through the entire surgery and next day.  I couldn`t even look up to see my boys before they were taken to the NICU.

The boys were born at  1:17  and 1:18 am and weighed 4lbs 8oz and 4lbs 1 oz.  Both started on C-PAP- Jack came off on day 2 and George came off today- here`s hoping that he stays off.  Both are taking full feeds and neither have had any Bradys, ect.  We`re hoping that they willbe transferred to our local level 2 hospital next weel- one step closer to home!!

I have never been so in love in my life. I truly can`t believe how they make me feel and I am so grateful to be able to share that with you ladies.

Thank you!

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