We got home yesterday night from the hospital, just in time for their 7pm feeding! Oh man! After going through the first night with them, I realize how hard it is! They are on every 3 hours feeding schedule and they eat for about 40 minutes (that's with me AND my DH feeding them!). I have no idea how I will do it on my own once he goes back to work! The girls have also mastered projectile pooping... once the diaper is off the poop comes out! I think during each diaper change we go through 3 diapers and 2 shirts or blankets! But I am so happy to finally be home and have the girls here with us! So much better than the hospital (although we do miss that red nurse call button!)
Re: We are home!
How to tell my boys apart
The different types of twins and triplets
Jack, Sydney and Carynne, Annaleigh, JW, Eden...forever in our hearts.
My blog * We made the national news!
Yay for being home! I hope you are resting as much as possible. I can't imagine, and soon enough, I guess I won't have to. Best of luck!
I said it before, but I absolutely LOVE your siggy pic!