Tara- EDD January 4 ? Team Pink ? Kari
Julie- EDD January 19 ? Team Pink ? Charlotte
Melissa- EDD January 19 ? Team Pink ? Katelyn
Shannon- EDD January 29 ? Team Pink
Dani- EDD February 10 ? Team Green
Katy- EDD February 11 ? Team Pink ? Mady
Kellie- EDD April 27 ? Team Blue
Lindsay- EDD June 11
Laura- EDD June 12
Mrs.N.H.- EDD August 17
Dana- Mom to Stella born December 13, 2010
Tracey- Mom to Carson born October 28, 2010
Merrie- Mom to Noah born October 14, 2010
Jamie- Mom to Landon born September 20, 2010
Christina- Mom to JJ born September 15, 2010
Quiana- Mom to Nia born August 12, 2010
Gina- Mom to Kalie born August 6, 2010
April- Mom to Rowen 5, Phoebe born August 5, 2010
Natalee ? Mom to Caroline born July 28, 2010
Teresa- Mom to Aislyn born July 24, 2010
Heidi ? Mom to Tyler born July 23, 2010
Dani- Mom to Reese born July 17, 2010
Meg- Mom to Mya 10, Ava born July 14, 2010
Jennifer- Mom to Corbin born July 8, 2010
Ashley- Mom to Gavin born July 5, 2010
Morgan- Mom to Quinn born July 4, 2010
Amy- Mom to Landon born June 20, 2010
Hanneke- Mom to Sam born May 25, 2010
Nicole- Mom to Alexander born May 6, 2010
Jannelle- Mom to Ian born May 4, 2010
Eleise- Mom to Kellen born April 24, 2010
Melissa- Mom to Gianna born April 21, 2010
Annie- Mom to Siena born April 7, 2010
Blayne- Mom to Briley born March 30, 2010
Cristina- Mom to Mariana born March 19, 2010
Ashley C- Mom to KiKi born March 14, 2010
Carollyn- Mom to Hayden born February 12, 2010
Krissie- Mom to Elizabeth born February 5, 2010
Libertad- Mom to Ian 8, Marcos 1
Judy- Mom to Anderson 1
Barbara- Mom to Nathan 1
Alex- Mom to Angelica 1
Ashley B - Mom to Sophia 1
Kimberly- Mom to Alexa 1
Nicole- Mom to Austin 1
Shannon - Mom to Caroline 1
Nykris- Mom to Maddie 4, Josh 1
Rachel- Mom to Kash 1
Sara- Mom to Addison 1
Wendy - Mom to Gavin 1
Dex- Mom to Peyton 5, Quin 2, Everett 1
Sharon- Mom to Zachary 1
Amy- Mom to Kaden 3
Alison, Amy, Ashley, Jamie, Siba, Tracy
Any news or updates?
What was the best gift that you gave? How about received?
Re: PG-Mom-TTC check-in
Any news or updates?
Caroline is 5 months old today. I can't believe it! She is so darn cute. She is really using her voice these days and it's hilarious. She squeals, shreiks and is just constantly talking. She really is a happy baby. We were successful with a week of rice cereal and we moved on to oatmeal this week. We have yet to eat a full serving because she's still getting used to it so I do a half a serving and then as much as she'll take of a bottle (about 4-5 ounces.)
What was the best gift that you gave? How about received?
DH loved the Pearl Jam Spectrum CD box set that I got him. It was one of his few surprise gifts and he really liked it. I also think my parents were impressed with their joint gift which was a gift card and I reservation to one of the nicest restaurants in Philly that is closing it's doors for good in May. They used to go there as their special occasion place but would probably never spend the money on it now. As for received, I guess my new Kate Spade bag.
Any news or updates? Nausea and dizziness are here and I cry every time I don't feel good, so I'm usually a mess in the mornings and afternoons. Other than that I'm doing great with some little pains and some spotting here and there still, but now I know it's all normal for me.
What was the best gift that you gave? I gave DH and amplifier for his guitars and now he keeps playing this awesome romantic songs and he is practicing some stuff for the baby. It's so cute!
How about received? The pasta roller and cutter kit for the Kitchen Aid. I can't wait to make pasta this week.
Reese had a great Christmas. We celebrated 5 times in 4 days, & she was a champ through all of the running around. Of course, after being exposed to so many people, she is now sick. I called the pedi this morning, & they want us to bring her in this afternoon. I have to go to work, so this will be Matt's 1st solo trip to the pedi. She is super congested, & her chest is really raspy. I'm thinking it's just a cold, but her cough is really croupy, so I just want to be sure. I feel so bad for the poor girl. We are planning to start rice cereal this weekend, which I am really excited about.
The best gift I gave was the iPad for DH. He loves it. The best gift I received was my P90X even though I haven't had time to do it yet. I'm planning to start this weekend.
Yay!! I'm glad he liked it! I told my DH about it
Any news or updates?
We spent Christmas in Charleston, SC with my parents this year. It was a lot of fun and we stayed busy going to the aquarium and lots of other touristy fun things. Phoebe slept SO good while we were there! I think I just have to completely wear the child out to get her to sleep. Normally I'm so strict on her nap schedule and she sleeps like crap. I think I just need to relax and go with the flow with her more. I wore her in the moby pretty much the entire time we were there and she was the happiest little girl ever! But I feel like the worlds worst mom today. Phoebe slept all night with a poopy diaper and I didn't realize it. She has awful diaper rash! Then I accidently cut her finger this morning when I was trimming her nails. I'm completely beating myself up over this today too.
But the kids had a great Christmas and did excellent in the car ride (which takes 7 1/2 hours without including stops and traffic).
What was the best gift that you gave? How about received?
I got my Kindle this year and I couldn't be happier. My dad also gave my mom and I gift certificates for a mani/pedi and it made my day. I got to do something with my mom without the kids. I don't think you could give any better gift then me time to a SAHM.
I made calenders for my parents and my IL's on Shutterfly this year. I love them. They are filled with pictures of their grandkids. They were a huge hit!
Any news or updates? We are all feeling better! YAY! Corbin seems to be a little congested at times still but otherwise we are all healthy and happy. Today Corbin stood up on his own...well holding onto the table. He was pretty excited about it. He is really trying to crawl, but can't get the arms and legs up at the same time. We are going to start rice cereal today since he is feeling better and seems to be consistantly hungry even after I feed from both sides. And he tries to eat everything I am eating and won't stop grabbing for my cup and fork. I'm excited to see how he does. We played around with the spoon and a few drops of water and he opened up and took it like a champ. I'll let you know how it turns out...with plenty of pictures I'm sure.
The best gift we gave was a Kitchenaid stand mixer to my mom. She has wanted one forever and we finally got one for her. She was so excited. The best gift I received was my new laptop computer! My mom spoiled me...again!
I don't think I posted last week. Last weekened Aislyn wasn't herself and started to get up every night in the middle of the night for a few days (after she has been STTN since about 5 weeks), but that stopped this week. We had 3 Xmas' this year. She did really good, she met people she had never met before, and did really well with everyone. People were surprised how good she was. She only took a short half hour nap Xmas Eve, and not much the next few days, so yesterday we did nothing but slept. A is alseep right now on my tummy hehe
Best gift I got, probably the Bose sound system for the Ipod (which I have had for 2 months since we got it in the States, and it was our anni/Xmas present from my parents). Best gift given, to my parents I got them a subscription to Lotto 6/49 which they loved (which is great since they buy themselves whatever they need, and normally go away for their Xmas present to each other). I also got DH a tuner for his guitar cause he wants to tune it to play to A.
Any news or updates? Gianna turned 8 months old the other day....She just learned this week how to sit back down from a standing position rather than falling backwards lol....I think she is cutting more teeth on top this time since she has been a little fussier than normal...and now she does this new thing where she stiffins her body and makes fist followed by a grunting noise, it is the funniest thing, she seems to do it when I tell her "no"...I think someone may be developing a temper lol....
What was the best gift that you gave? I gave DH his Ipad and he loved it...
How about received? Well I got a new coach bag, which I was super excited about..but my IL's got G a hallmark book "the true meaning of Christmas" and it was one of those books that you can record your own voice reading it..and they each read the book alternating pages which was pretty neat....My Mom also got us a plaque for the wall that says our last name and then over it in different writing it says established in 2008.....that was also a pretty neat gift...
Any news or updates? Kellen turned 8 months old on Christmas Eve. We had lots of Christmas events to go to, and he was a champ through all of them. He loved "opening" presents. He is now pulling up on EVERYTHING and is even taking some steps when holding on to the couch/ottoman. We just transitioned over to a convertible car seat. He is getting way too heavy to carry in his infant seat. He would cry every time we put him in there---he couldn't stand not being able to sit up!
What was the best gift that you gave? I gave DH a subscription to a microbrew beer of the month club (Thanks for the rec, Lisa O!). He was super surprised and excited. He thought I was getting him something electronic, so I was happy to sneak that in there.
How about received? I got a Nook Color and love it. My aunt also made me a Shutterfly book of my late grandma's recipes, with old pictures included. I bawled like a baby!
Baby Dust to those TTC, and Sticky dust to our new mommas.
Any news or updates?
I haven't participated in the check-in for a while, so I'm gonna AW a little here. Elizabeth is Walking all over the place. It's so weird to see her toddling around, she gets really excited and proud of herself and it's super cute.
She is eating most foods, except meats. I'm hesitant for no real reason other than lack of teeth, to start. I'll be keeping her a veg a while longer I think.
She now has about 5 words. Dadda, Mamma, Dog and Hat. She's been saying Na -Na when she wants food, which I think Is for Num Nums- what we call snacks.
I am having so much fun with my Little girl these days.
No AF yet so we can't even start the countdown to TTC again, Just waiting around again.
What was the best gift that you gave? How about received?
Best gift gave:
Framed prints of our wedding to my parents- I know, we're a little late.
and Angels's tickets for DH.
Sapphire & Diamond earrings from DH, Diamond & topaz ring from my mom (topaz is the birthstone for december- to remember our angel baby), and a spa GC from Elizabeth- I'm an AW I love em all.
K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12
Any news or updates? I've had a rough few days, I thought for sure I was going to give birth Sunday night in the raging blizzard. I had a lot of painful cramping and contractions and was nauseous and it was just pretty miserable. I got about 3 hours of sleep. Thankfully work closed and I was able to rest yesterday. Last night was better, so hopefully it won't be happening every night.
What was the best gift that you gave? How about received?
We skipped gifts this year.
Mady seems to be dropping already. Several people have commented on it in the past few days. She was head down at our last appointment, so, that's interesting. I know it means nothing and I don't want it to mean anything at this point....WAY too early. Mady's room is slowly getting done, it's been hard to get done with the holidays happening. Not much else to report this week.
The best gift we gave.....probably the digital camera we got for MIL. She really wanted one for pictures of her "first Grandbaby".
I didn't receive anything of much interest. We got some money, which is nice for Mady prep. Mady got a LOT of stuff though, so I was happy with that.
Much luck to our TTCers!
Katy and Brett ~ Runaway Bay, Jamaica ~ October 4, 2008
Any news or updates? Nia did well on the bus to and from D.C. to visit my family for Christmas. She loves our family dog - it was her first time around a dog! I have a full Christmas update with tons of pics (and soon video) on the blog.
Nia can now roll over on command. It's hilarious to see her start scooting and inching like a worm when I say, "Roll over!" She then tosses the full weight of her head to help get leverage. I HAVE to get it on video soon! DH saw it for the first time today when he got home from work and cracked up.
What was the best gift that you gave? Leather gloves to my dad; he's always in need of gloves and I found a nice Sean John pair for him and he now thinks he's Diddy! LOL!
How about received? Not really into gifts with DH's mother passing on Christmas Day 5 years ago, but I got beauty products from my siblings and parents though. I'm actually about to go pamper myself now with a soak in my tub with the lavender salt crystals my sister gave me!
Any news or updates? I can see my belly moving now. Creepy but also makes me happy.
What was the best gift that you gave? I gave DH a sweet Canon. He really wanted it, and I know he'll get great baby shots with it.
How about received? My mom bought us a ton of baby stuff--clothes, blankets, bibs, burp cloths--and I had more fun opening them than anything else. My favorite gift was a pack of pee-pee teepees. I have so much to learn about having a boy.
{planning bio} {married bio} {baby blog}
Any news or updates?
My Marigold is 9 months old and now it's officially going too fast
She was sick (and is still recovering) for over a week with a terrible cold. We went through our first nursing strike over Christmas and a few days before - it was just awful. She for sure isn't crawling, but is definitely pulling up on everything and cruising around. We've also come leaps and bounds with EC - check my blog if you want to know more.
What was the best gift that you gave? How about received?
Peter LOVES his new Penguins Malkin jersey. I also got a new briefcase for my brother for Christmas as sort of a congrats gift on his new position (he's now a step up from a VP in Bank of America). I have three favorites that I received: Peter got me a silk Sakura Bloom RS that I love to death and an iphone 4 and my mom and dad got me, Peter and Mari a gift certificate to bedandbreakfast.com to go away in April (here we come, Mel!!!).
Whoo hoo....Hey if you come April 23rd you can come to G's 1st bday party!!!!!!