Our Christmas went from an exciting first Christmas w/a 2.5 week old which included first Gma and Gpa visit in Arizona to becoming well aquainted with Phoenix Childrens Hospital w/a bout of RSV. Argh!
Little one became increasingly more congested and then struggled breathing all very quickly. From naptime to waking up she changed completely and became very pale. It snuck up on us and has taken a toll on her little body but she's very strong and recovering quite quickly. We are on day four and I see an end in sight. We hope to be released soon.
I knew nothing about RSV except it was a risk for preemies. It's nasty. Try and stay well and keep your little ones well. I wouldn't wish the last few days on anyone.
Anxious to hear about everyone else's Christmas!
Re: Christmas and RSV
Blogs: Our Growing Family - CT Working Moms
We had two ER visits in the same week from RSV. Little guy had a 104 degree fever and trouble breathing, but it didn't get so bad that he was admitted. It's been a month and LO still has some lingering congestion.
I'm so glad your LO is improving. Please keep us updated!