My son will be 18 months when DS#2 is born. I barely can fit what we need in the diaper bag I have now...What do you use? Any Diaper bags that you love?
I just got a Vera Bradley Miller bag for Christmas. I'm anticipating that DD might not be potty trained by the time baby #2 gets here so I figured, like you, that with 2 in cds that I'd need a big bag. It's huge. Lots of pockets on the inside, sturdy base and the top zippers closed, plus it can be thrown in the washer. Now, if you don't like Vera Bradley, then this recommendation is not helpful
I think I'm switching to a backpack! I never seem to have enough space for ONE in my diaper bag, and I'm going from 1 to 3! Plus then I'll have my hands free!
Re: Please Recommend your diaper bag for 2 in CD's