The Christmas week is over and boy was it a doozy! My in laws were staying at our house for the week, and my SIL had a cold and ended up giving it to C. Let's just say I knew a baby being sick was going to be hard, but holy cow I thought we wouldn't make it through! C had a major fever and total congestion and refused to be put down, or held by anyone but me. It was also so hard for him to eat he barely consumed anything. He slept on my chest for 3 nights straight, which meant no sleep for me. Thankfully he is almost completely better now, ILs have gone home, and the house is quiet and fairly clean. And DH is healing from his back surgery very well so he can actually start doing stuff again!
We were all very spoiled and I'm so grateful for my family and all they do for us. But I have to say, I'm glad the holiday season is almost over so we can get back to relaxing and some kind of routine!
I hope you all had a great holiday!
Re: What a week!