
Merry Christmas, we had our twin girls!!!!

We went in for our scheduled induction on Wednesday, December 22.  I feel so blessed to have carried our twin girls to 38wks 1day.  We arrived at the hospital at 7:30am and they started pitocin at around 9:00 and the waiting began.  I was already 3cm and 90%effaced when we went in.  By 3:00 I was asking for my epidural.  I had progressed to 5cm when they gave it to me.  An hour later the Dr came in to check me and said I was complete!  I couldn't believe I had gone from 5cm to complete in an hour.  Good thing I got the epidural when I did, I can't imagine what it would have been like if I didn't!  At about 4:15pm they wheeled me back to the OR.  With these being my first babies, I had no idea what I was supposed to do when it came to pushing.  I kept asking DH if I was doing it right LOL!  At 5:55pm Raegan Elisabeth was born weighing 6lbs 9oz 19 1/4" long.  DH was over taking pictures of her and the Dr told him to get over here because the other LO was coming!  At 5:58pm Kenley Marie was born weighing 6lbs 2oz, 19 1/2" long.  I still cannot believe that I was able to push both babies out!  We were able to come home from the hospital on Christmas Eve with our two perfect baby girls! 


I don't know how to post pics, but as soon as I figure it out, I'll put one up!


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