Illinois Babies

Hospitals For Delivery

So I asked this question a while back when this board was extremely dead. Figured I'd ask again now that there seems to be a little more traffic....anyone have any positive or negative experiences you can share with me about delivering at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge?
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Re: Hospitals For Delivery

  • I have not delivered there, but will once we are pregnant.  My mom and MIL delivered there as have other family members.  From everything I've heard, it's a great hospital and one of the best in the area for delivery.  I like the idea of delivering there because if (god forbid) anything were to go wrong, they are well known to be one of the best places to handle everything.  GL to you.
    Kailyn Jean Born August 6, 2011 (3w6d early) imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Planning Bio
  • I have a few friends who delivered there and haven't heard any complaints.
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  • My sister delivered my niece and nephew there. Also, she worked there in the mother/baby unit and the nursery. She's always had good things to say about it. As a visitor, my only complaint is it's huge! LOL

    I do know the Lutheran General MFMs do my high risk work for my hospital out in the burbs. Not that this matters, but just more info :)

    IVF #1- BFP- DD 4/8/2011
    FET #1- 3BB and 3B-B
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    U/S #2 7w0d- HB 155 bpm

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • i'm having my baby at northwestern but i live closer to lutheran general hospital. i got very sick and had to be rushed to the er a few weeks ago and they are great! the maternity for is nice and so is the stuff.

    good luck

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  • Love LGH!  I delivered there in September.  The nurses and staff were great!!  I highly recommend!  The maternity ward is really really nice and new.  You should check it out on a hospital tour.
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