At least your kid pees normally. When mine poops he puts his feet on the seat and hovers over the toilet. So whe he needs to pee it shoots all over the bathroom. Lovely. I vote wine tonight, champagne tomorrow and the next day and the next day.....
When do they learn to do that? TB still sits to do it, and to scoot all the way back, he HAS to take his entire undies/pants off. He actually doesn't have to, but he thinks he does. I can't wait until he can do it standing.
My immediate family (including my exH) knows that my brother still sits down to pee. I guess no one ever taught him to stand up to pee. Anyways, we tease him notoriously about this-- especially now that he has two twin boys of his own!
After L had the potty training down, he came back from his dad's one weekend standing up to pee. exH later texted me that he didn't want L to pee sitting down like Uncle M.
Re: Whymust my child stand on a chair to pee into the toilet?
When do they learn to do that? TB still sits to do it, and to scoot all the way back, he HAS to take his entire undies/pants off. He actually doesn't have to, but he thinks he does. I can't wait until he can do it standing.
Definitely champagne.
Funny story about that aggie...
My immediate family (including my exH) knows that my brother still sits down to pee. I guess no one ever taught him to stand up to pee. Anyways, we tease him notoriously about this-- especially now that he has two twin boys of his own!
After L had the potty training down, he came back from his dad's one weekend standing up to pee. exH later texted me that he didn't want L to pee sitting down like Uncle M.