
when they want different food!?!?

The LOs are on all big kid food now.  They were GREAT eaters for some time. 

Lately seems they are developing thier own pallet.  I feel like i end up making so much food and one is tossing it the other is eating then i try something else and ones tossing food and the other is eating.  Seems they dont like too much of 1 thing lately. 

Its hard enough getting one baby through a picky eater time let alone 2 who dont seem to be into the same thing anymore. 

Do i force them to eat what i offer or they dont get anything? or do i make a little bit see how they take to it?  Im at suck a loss.  I feel like i toss a lot of food lately. And my poor dogs are getting fat hahaha!

How did you get through this phase with two?

Re: when they want different food!?!?

  • I'm going through the same thing right now... it is so difficult.  Just wanted to let you know that your not alone there.  I spent 1.5 hours feeding them lunch today.  My son is the most difficult.  Refuses almost everything I try.  They are all fine eating purees and the gerber cereals in the box, so I usually feed that for breakfast and dinner and use lunch as more of the finger foods/new food experimentation.  The only foods that all three of them will eat is bread, cherrios and cheese.  I guess it could be worst, but its very difficult and I worry that they are not taking in enough nutrition since two of them are almost completely transitioned to whole milk and off formula.  I'm just going to keep trying new foods with them and hopefully I will find a couple more that they all like and hopefully (fingers crossed)..continue to like.

    Good luck.  

  • I forgot to add, that as I'm finding out what they like, then I'm just going to feed them what they will eat.  I'd rather get out different foods if I know they will eat them, rather than just putting the food down the drain.  My DS & one DD loves yogurt, but my other DD can't have it because of milk allergy.  My daughters love banannas cut up, but my son hates them.  Pretty soon I'll be a short order cook, but if they eat it all, I'll be ecstatic:)
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  • i give them the same foods, but make sure to include a food that DS will eat, a food that DD will eat.  for example, DS loves carrots. so, i always give them carrots but i will give him more carrots.  DD like broccoli, so i will also give them broccoli but i will give her more.  yes, my DS will drop his broccoli on the floor and my DD will drop her carrots...that is just what it is. 

    Lately though they have started to pass food back and forth - and less of it winds up on the floor, which is good.

    there are a few things they both love, which makes it easy...i dont worry too much about redundancy.  when i find a meal that works for both of them, they eat that meal a lot.   

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