Cloth Diapering

trouble cleaning diapers

I am so glad to finally have a washing system/detergent that is working for our CD.  However, today after washing a load of diapers I noticed they were not entirely clean.  The prefolds and covers were fine, but the pocket diaper covers were still dirty around the leg creases.  I washed a second time, and still a little dirty.  They're in for a 3rd wash now.  Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and what they would recommend?  My son is still breastfed, so I have not been rinsing dirty diapers before tossing them in the pail.  I'm wondering if this would help?  We have a front-loader, which has been a big issue in getting our washing routine down.  I'm wondering if this is also contributing to the dirty diaper problem?  When washing diapers I do a cold soak, hot wash, two cold rinses.  Using Allen's Naturally for detergent.  Thanks in advance for any advice!!

Re: trouble cleaning diapers

  • It sounds to me like they're actually clean, just stained. As long as they don't smell when they come out of the wash, they're probably clean and you don't need to wash over and over. Try sunning them to see if the stains come out.
  • I agree.  I have this happen every now and then.  No idea why and there doesn't seme to be any consistency to it.  But instead of hanging to dry in our basement, I lay on a table in our back yard and clears the stains right up
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  • Yeah if they smell clean but you don't like how they look then they are stained.  Put a bit of lemon juice on them straight out of the washer & put them by the sun or by a sunny window.  Comes right out.

    DD1 born 5/24/10.

    Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.

    DD2 born 5/14/13.

    Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.

    Expecting someone new 4/17/17.
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