Hawaii Babies

the diaper change from he** - for your reading pleasure

3am.  LO in a sposie, poop up and out the back.  mama wipes down LO's butt, fed up with leaks*, starts putting on a PF (#1).  before she's finished, LO pees.  everywhere.  (mama forgot to keep him covered! mistake #1)  okay, take 2.  wipe everything down, get the PF (#2) all snappi'd up, reaches under LO to take off his pooped-on and pee-soaked clothing - mama's finger gets covered in poo, which was still on LO's back.  (mama neglected to wipe off the poo on LO's back!  mistake #2)  poo on and in the back of the PF too.  undress LO completely, wipe him down, again.  put on another PF (#3).  put on cover, new set of clothes.  ...finally back to sleep.

* i have decided that I officially hate pampers sensitives - they leak up the back, they leak through the diaper (runny poops will soak *through* and leave stains on this clothes in the middle of his butt - anyone else have this problem?!).  even using sposies only during evenings and nights, i have to completely change LO's clothes 1-2x/day b/c of leaks - and we're changing his diaper every 2-3 hours, it's not like i'm letting him sit in it forever!  I've been CD'ing part-time, but starting last night, that's all I'm using now.  though I will need to dig up that other thread to find another sposie brand for back-up.  ugh.

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Re: the diaper change from he** - for your reading pleasure

  • I didn't have time to read the other responses but wanted to say, we've CD'd full time since we started. We've only had 2, ok maybe 3 leaks and NO poop leaks! By that I mean poop has gotten on the cover when I was EBF but not on her actual clothes. For nights the hemp liners with a fleece work well for us and we haven't had any leaks... did I mention she sleeps 12 hours at night? No leaks in 12 hours!! 

    We used sposies for our flights to and from Honolulu when B was 10 weeks old and we had 4-5 leaks with them just during the flights!! On her clothes, on me, you name it, we were covered in pee, yuck! We went through all the changes of clothes for her and I didn't think to bring something for myself. 

  • Sorry to hear about the leaks. That sucks especially if you have to do it at the middle of the night! I remember having leaks when we were using sposies. Now that we're 100% CDing, no leaks for us even with the explosive poops. We use BG 4.0s and use the thicker insert at night.
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  • You know, it's funny...I've heard so many horror stories about little boys peeing, but I can literally count on one hand the number of times that both boys (put together) have peed without a diaper on for either Ben or I. Not sure why? (FWIW, we've also only ever had two leaks with sposies - we must be super lucky!)

    Anyway - the poo bit cracked me up! Something similar happened to Ben a couple of weeks ago. He opened a diaper to see a HUGE poo and did the whole, "eew gross!" thing. Then picked Dash up and just froze with a horrified expression on his face. We'd had our first poo blowout and it was all up Dash's back - and Ben had grabbed right in the middle of it. I thought it was hilarious. Stick out tongue

  • ah, the joys of diaper changes!  I totally feel your pain :(

    we only use sposies, but FWIW, I think you have to try different ones to see which ones don't leak.  Pampers worked best for us, but we tried Luvs, store brands, and Huggies.  I think they are just all cut differently, and depending on how your LO is built, some work and others don't.  I hate that it's trial and error though. 

  • haha, glad we're not the only ones with good poop/pee stories. 

    E hasn't pooped in the bath yet, but my friend's son did - and they managed to catch it on video, their reaction was *hilarious*.   and B pooping on inamra's H's foot after pooping in the bath - totally made me lol.

    for the record, MH was up with me (he got peed on), and we laughed through the whole thing, but I think if I was changing E alone while MH was blissfully sleeping, I would have found the whole thing a lot less funny!  heh.

    We tried huggies first, but they leaked too, out the sides.  what's so bizarre is that the pampers have only leaked out the sides once - but they leak through the middle/back of the butt  all.the.time.  i might check out the costco ones, if the packages aren't *too* huge. 

    that said, we still have a bunch of pampers left, which we may never end up using.  i'm really loving my PF's right now!  we have some BG's and a RaR I need to finish prepping so we can try those out too.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageSanHawaii08:

    for the record, MH was up with me (he got peed on), and we laughed through the whole thing, but I think if I was changing E alone while MH was blissfully sleeping, I would have found the whole thing a lot less funny!  heh.

    LOL, that would be true!

    We tried huggies first, but they leaked too, out the sides.  what's so bizarre is that the pampers have only leaked out the sides once - but they leak through the middle/back of the butt  all.the.time.  i might check out the costco ones, if the packages aren't *too* huge. 

    Haha, our LO's must be shaped the same! We always had out-the-back poop leaks with Pampers Sensitive (but I still used them cuz I liked the material the best and I likes the wetness indicator) and out-the-sides pee leaks with Huggies. Costco brand has been treating us well but they *do* come in large boxes. I would offer to send you some of ours for you to try it out but we're at size 3 already and that's probably too big for E? In the meantime, I've found that noticing when he poops and changing him *right away* helps avoid the leaks, as well as being more meticulous about wrapping the diaper more closely to his body. I think those diapers are just not very forgiving to our LO's figure =P
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • haha. sorry you had such a time changing him!! i think i can only recall one poopy leak and we've never had a pee leak (except when our cover was torn/defective).  that's the up side of CDing....but like the other ladies said i think even with sposies if you find the brand that fits your baby well you can avoid the leaks too.

    at least you can look back at these diaper changes and laugh! :)

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