Hi Ladies,
I'm in need of some major advice...I am going to do cloth diapers with
my little girl when she gets here in April. I have researched alot and
just don't know which ones I want to go with. I want a hybrid cloth
diaper because I really like the disposable option for when we are out
(I already have a 2 yr old). I was going to go with Gdiapers but then
found GroVia diapers....now I'm totally torn!! I don't like the Flip
because I don't like the idea of the cloth or disposiable insert just
hanging out under a flap...I just need any kind of advice. Good or bad, I
just need to make a decision!!!!
Thanks in advance!
Re: Cloth Diaper Help!!!
We are also going with the hybrid diapers.. We found that Soft bum and Bum Essentials.. Hope this help
Softbums are my favorite!
My thoughts were the same when we started and I bought some Grovia disposables. I used them once. You figure out a system and there is no need for the disposable insert option even when you are out.