
Bottle help

Due to my DD's reflux issues we have always given her BM via bottle with oatmeal cereal added to it (Rice caused major issues).  It is taking her forever to eat 5 oz and its taking longer and longer - sometimes up to 2 hours. 

Before I just pass this off as being a slow eater, I may need to change up her bottle.  Currently we use the Medela bottles with the medium flow nipple.  I'm thinking she may need something with a fast flow, so I'd like your suggestions / recommendations.  What do you all use? 

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Re: Bottle help

  • We use Avent bottles.  We do not mix the cereal in DD's bottles but we use the #3 nipples.  I think they have one that is made for thicker liquids too.
  • I know the playtex drop in brand has a nipple with a Y cut that's supposed to handle thicker liquids better "The NaturaLatch Silicone Y-Cut nipple has been designed to allow baby to control liquid flow. It is perfect for cereal-based formula and thicker liquids, but can be used with regular liquids as well."

    Playtex drop in's worked ok for Evan for a bit, they weren't my favorite bottle to use, but since you're adding cereal it might help. 

    My only other thought goes to maybe LO's not getting hungry enough, and is just sucking for the sake of sucking, like on a pacifier. Maybe if the feeding times were limited they'd pick up the pace? I know one of my best friends wanted her son to nurse faster, so she cut down the time he was allowed to nurse, and sure as shoot he started nursing faster. Obviously I wouldn't do that if it affected her intake negatively, but maybe it would improve things.  

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  • Have you tried Dr. Brown's bottles? We used those with DD and had less gas.



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