

Holy balls, woman!!! Congrats on #3!!! I haven't been on the bump in ages, and for some reason I stopped by today and saw your ticker!

Re: **jessicaclare**

  • Thanks! I have an u/s today to date the pregnancy and establish a due date, since I was on the pill and have no clue what happened when. Hopefully everything looks good

     We should playdate soon! I want to meet your little guy and see Miss A, of course. 

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • You were on the PILL?!?!? We're still using the hope and pray method, and I had a dream I was pregnant the other day. Now you're freaking me out! I know I should be on the pill, but it made me so pissy and depressed the last time I was on it... We're talking about DH getting snipped this year, but we'll see.

    Yes! A playdate would be awesome. I'm hoping to still be off Fridays in the new year. (And I hope to make it to one of the book clubs soon. I suck!)

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  • On the pill and I had to use clomid to get pregnant the first two times. Definitely a bit of a surprise :-)

    Once we all get through the holidays let me know what your schedule looks like and we'll make a date to get together. 

    Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
  • Don't mean to hijack the post, but congrats on #3 Jess!  I know we don't talk on fb anymore, but I just wanted to say that's awesome news.  Take care!
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