Two Under 2

Anyone rent an appartment?

We are hoping to sell our house soon, but instead of buying a new one I would like to rent somewhere.  Part of the issue is my DH has to go to 5 months of Army training in the near future so I am hoping if we are renting somewhere than maybe we can all go with him to his training (we won't be paying for a mortgage and a place to stay).  I have looked at houses, but appartments are so much better about flexible lease terms.  Has anyone lived with 2 kids in an appartment?  How did it work?  I worry about the noise and lack of outside space.
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Re: Anyone rent an appartment?

  • I don't have any experience with an apartment, but I do want to comment on the Army training. When I was in AIT at Ft. Gordon, families were allowed to move with the soldier but only if they were there for longer than 20 weeks. It all depends on his MOS and where he goes to AIT. Message me if you want more info. I was a soldier and an Army wife :)
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  • I rent a 2 bedroom townhouse.  We have our own front and back entrance so there is not hallway noise that you sometimes have in apartments.  There is not much noise from our neighbors.  The building we live in is older (built prior to 1970) so I can hear when the next door neighbor runs their shower and I can hear when they run up and down the stairs, but thats about the only noises I ever hear.

    Renting is a gamble, because the noise really depends on your neighbors.  We have great neighbors so I don't have any noise complaints but the last complex we lived at was a lot noisier.   At the complex we live in now, there is a lot of outside space for the boys.  There is a very large courtyard across the parking lot from the house with a swingset/slide and picnic table. 

    My boys are to young to play outside alone so I don't worry about the playground being across the parking lot.

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