Cloth Diapering

Motherease Question - Inserts

I am just prepping my stash and getting stuff ready and feeling a little clueless!

I noticed that the motherease diaper liners usually snap in BUT if you are folding the front for the smallest size you can't snap the liner in. Do you just lay the liner in there? Or not use a liner and change baby more often?

I'm wondering too because I bought some super cute minky pockets but the liners/stuffers are HUGE and they are super lumpy when I snap it to the smallest size. Maybe baby doesn't need the extra padding early on...

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Motherease Question - Inserts

  • Early on we didn't need to use liners at all.  As he got bigger he needed one for overnight and I just laid it in there without snapping.  It didn't move anyways.  Now, at 20 pounds, at night, I snap one in and lay a second on top.

    My older DS still wears motherease at night.  We have a toddler prefold laying on top of the diaper.  

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