I'm having a moment of DUH. ?Would you bring anything else, or am I missing something?
DS's surgery is outpatient OR an overnight, just depends how he does. ?We do live a whopping 1/2mile from the hospital.
Got diapers wipes 3 favorite toys blanket sippie (they said to in case he's too drugged for regular cups/straws). ?Purse, laptop, knitting.?
Re: hospital packing question.
Meds. ?yes. ?Toothbrush! ?
No, NOT the apron!!!!!!!!
hussie. ?lol
Ha! Extra bread for the nurses.
I like bread you know.
oh shut it, both of you LOL!
eeeeeew. ?We all just got over the plague, too. ?I had a sinus infection and borderline pneumonia, DD had a sinus infection with a bad cough, DS had a double ear infection....
I'm not secretly hoping it was a childhood illness that you will not get, too. ?Big time ick.
I think you've got it covered. GL!