2nd Trimester

Best lotion for Belly?

What's your favorite cream to sooth your itchy belly- and the girls?

I've heard of Palmer's cocoa butter- is there any difference in getting the strech mark lotion and the other ones or is it just a marketing gimmick (I'll need lotion for the winter anyways and am just wondering if it really makes a difference to get a separate one just for the belly area)?

Anything else you'd recommend that doesn't have a laundry list of chemicals that I don't recognize?

Re: Best lotion for Belly?

  • Palmer's is ok, I don't like the smell though.

    For mostly chemical free, I would get Cocoa Body Butter from the Body Shop.  It's $20, a little goes a long way, and it's amazing and mostly natural.  I used to work there  : )
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I use Burt's Bees Mama Belly Butter and love it. I don't know if it keeps away stretch marks, but it feels so good and my tummy stays soft all day.
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  • I use the Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter too and so far my stomach looks great. It was really itchy before I started using it, but it has really helped with that.
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  • I really like the mama mio stuff. It smells great and it is not greasy at all.
  • I use Bert's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter too.  I really like it, but I have nothing to compare it too. 
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  • I just use petrolium jelly brand lotion, its a little more greasy than I like but it works. (well not greasy, but leaves a lotiony whatever on me)
  • I use the Palmer's... not too wild about the smell, but it's working so far so I can't complain:)
  • I use the Vaseline Cocoa Butter w/ Vitamin E oil and I haven't gotten a single stretch mark...it's only $5 at Walmart.
  • I use "Lay it on Thick" from bath and body works.  If you go during a sale you can sometimes get 2for1 deals, it's $20 a tube and smells great.  I've been using it the entire preg and have never experienced an itchy belly and no stretch marks yet. 
  • I am using Palmers Cocoa Butter, but a friend at work today told me today to go buy Vit. E Oil at an natural food store.  She swore upon it.
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