
What toys should I buy for 5-month old (~ 3 months adjusted)?

DS has recently started to play with his toys. We don't have much, a set of baby keys, a couple of stuffed animals that play music when squeezed, and wrist rattles. He can grab onto the keys, and he'll shake them around for a while. I can usually get him to look at the animals that play music. He also LOVES to sit in his bouncy chair, and play with there. I put a little monkey that plays music if the ball he is holding is spun the right way. DS can sit for about 30 minutes, getting the monkey to play some music. So, I was wondering what other toys he might enjoy. When I go to Babies R Us, I quickly become overwhelmed and confused by all the things I could buy. Also, what do people think of Baby Einstein videos? DS will also stare at the tv, and I guess if he's going to do that, I may as well get him to watch something educational, and not Law & Order, or wrestling or basketball.

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