DS has recently started to play with his toys. We don't have much, a set of baby keys, a couple of stuffed animals that play music when squeezed, and wrist rattles. He can grab onto the keys, and he'll shake them around for a while. I can usually get him to look at the animals that play music. He also LOVES to sit in his bouncy chair, and play with there. I put a little monkey that plays music if the ball he is holding is spun the right way. DS can sit for about 30 minutes, getting the monkey to play some music.
So, I was wondering what other toys he might enjoy. When I go to Babies R Us, I quickly become overwhelmed and confused by all the things I could buy.
Also, what do people think of Baby Einstein videos? DS will also stare at the tv, and I guess if he's going to do that, I may as well get him to watch something educational, and not Law & Order, or wrestling or basketball.
Re: What toys should I buy for 5-month old (~ 3 months adjusted)?
Honestly, IMO I don't think it's appropriate to let a baby watch tv, whether it is eduational or not. I think that your DS is looking at the tv bc its bright and the lights are colorful and change a lot. Maybe you could find some cool light up toys instead. Also any toys with different textures would be fun to explore with. My DD doesn't play with toys much yet, but some of the ones we have are:
Oooh! I love that piano. I remember seeing it before, but forgot about it. I think DS would really like that since he does enjoy kicking his legs.
I think that snail is cute too! Seems like a baby would enjoy for a long time.
I agree that letting a baby watch tv is not the best idea. I just don't know what to do with him sometimes. Sometimes he gets really fussy, and seems only to want to sit in his swing. And he doesn't really seem sleepy all the times either, since he'll just sit there. Sometimes he'll stare at the light, and sometimes if the tv is on, he'll stare at that. So I thought if he just wants to stare at something, something educational might be better. Although, maybe if he would just fall asleep faster if there was nothing interesting to stare at.
Thanks for the suggestions!
I love Baby Einstein. He has the bouncer and the play gym, and he is getting the entertainer for Christmas.
I like the Baby Einstein DVDs. They are colorful, and they have young children in the videos--just simple. We live in an apartment, so there is not a lot of room for toys.
He has taken more of an interest in them lately, but I am more into showing just the Baby Einstein DVDs that for for 3 + months (Baby Bach, Baby Mozart, Baby Beethoven, Baby World Music).
We got Baby Noah (3 + months) and Baby Da Vinci (6 + months) for Christmas for baby.
I like the Baby World Music because it goes with same music for bouncer and activity mat.
DD has the entertainer pictured above and loves it but she was about 6 months act. 4 adj. when we bought it for her. Before that she had this:
She still enjoys it and it can change from play mat to tunnel so she can use it for a few months yet. She also loves her links. She can spend up to 1/2 hour just moving the links from hand to hand. $4 well spent!
DD watches tv because we watch tv. It is not a conscious thing but she does end up watching some. We will put some cartoons on for her but she honestly watches a lot of Sportscenter (SAHD).