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nursery question (XP from multiples)

Hello, I just have a simple (maybe) question. My nursery is 8x11 or 9x11, I have to measure because I dont remember off hand, I have 1 window on a shorter wall and the closet door and room door are on opposite longer walls. Anyone have a similar size nursery? I am wondering if I will need mini cribs or if 2 regular cribs will fit with a dresser and changing table. I only need 1 dresser since the closet has built in shelves and 3 rods. TIA!

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Re: nursery question (XP from multiples)

  • I have no idea about size, but can you put a changing pad on top of the dresser and cut out the changing table? In our nursery, which is fairly small, we have a small dresser with a changing pad on top. We put diapers and wipes in the top drawer, and hung a small shelf and those hanging baskets from Ikea above, so everything is within reach.

    I can't imagine a mini crib would work with your DS. I would use regular size cribs and try to manipulate space the best you can elsewhere.

    missed miscarriage began 04/08, ended 07/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
  • Sorry, I got confused by your tickers. Are you expecting another LO to share a room with DD? Whatever the situation, I think mini cribs are impractical. You'll have to have two regular cribs in there at some point, right?
    missed miscarriage began 04/08, ended 07/08 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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  • imagelovesinthehouse:
    Sorry, I got confused by your tickers. Are you expecting another LO to share a room with DD? Whatever the situation, I think mini cribs are impractical. You'll have to have two regular cribs in there at some point, right?


    yea, sorry I am expecting another one (or two) Smile. I haven't gotten a dresser yet for DD since the nursery is currently DS's room so she shares his. When she moves into the nursery she would need her own so I could definitely look for a shorter one since DS's is a pretty tall one.

    The thing I worry with the mini crib is that I definitely think it would work for DD because she is very tiny, but if the new baby was sized more like my DS ( 41 1/2 inches at 35 months) it wouldnt. So perhaps 2 regular cribs would work if I just cut out the changing table or got a corner table maybe.

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