
sitting in the emergency room

We're CURRENTLY sitting in the waiting room of the ER. Cayden decided to try to fly. I give him a 8 for attempt and a negative 494,358,546,926,873,247 for execution and landing. All I heard was "Momma look!" and then a loud boom and a scream. It all happened so fast I never even saw him jump off the couch. I feel terrible, like I'm a bad guardian because I didn't stop him from jumping. My brother in law's probably looking down on me and saying "Way to go Steph...break my kid's nose why don't ya." Not sure if it's actually broken yet. Will update soon. 

We were just seen by the xray tech and the doctor. Cayden's nose isn't broken but he has some pretty bad swelling to his face (picture posted on profile) He's all smiles after a red popsicle and now we're about to leave to go home. Everyone that came past us was going "ohhh, she's so cute" when they peered under the car seat shade. Jocelyn's sound asleep and pretty much stayed that way the entire 3 1/2 hours we were there. 

Re: sitting in the emergency room

  • Ugh, that SUCKS!!! I hope he learned his lesson about gravity...don't worry about it, though, he's a boy, they bounce!
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  • I asked him why he did it and he said "I wanted to be like buzz lightyear" and I said "Are you going to do it again?" Through tears he said "No!" When Jimmy got home he asked what happened. "Gravity" is all I said. Cayden's now smiles and happy, he says he wants to show off his "face pack" to his friends at preschool. We got a ice pack that puts ice on his jaw and then another one that he can place on the knot to hopefully make that go down quickly. "He's a boy, they bounce"...that's exactly what the doctor said. We were all joking since my mom was working tonight. But of course when grandma came to see him he started crying
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