That is how far apart Noah and #2 will be (actually a little less). Just wondering your experience with this age difference. What are the advantages and disadvantages?
My DD and DS are almost exactly 2.5 years apart, and for the most part it has been great. DS was never jealous of the baby (although this just might be his personality, he is pretty easy going). He loved to hold DD and help change her. DS also still napped 2-3 hours a day for most of DD first year, so I got a break.
On the downside, now that DD is starting to get to one nap a day it looks like DS is outgrowing his nap, so they hardly ever nap together anymore. Also lately DS is into building things with lego and blocks, and DD destroys them which leads to alot of yelling!
Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
I also only had 2 in diapers for 2 months before we PT DS. I didn't do it b/c I had heard how common it was for them to regress. I just went to underwear a couple months after DD was born and it took about 3 days to PT him.
Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
Re: 2.5 year age difference- pros and cons
My DD and DS are almost exactly 2.5 years apart, and for the most part it has been great. DS was never jealous of the baby (although this just might be his personality, he is pretty easy going). He loved to hold DD and help change her. DS also still napped 2-3 hours a day for most of DD first year, so I got a break.
On the downside, now that DD is starting to get to one nap a day it looks like DS is outgrowing his nap, so they hardly ever nap together anymore. Also lately DS is into building things with lego and blocks, and DD destroys them which leads to alot of yelling!