North Dakota Babies

Seriously? (IL issues already!)

So my ILs are coming to stay with us for the week, and my SIL got in last night since she came straight over from college. Well, DH and I were in bed and C was asleep, but woke up around 11:30 just fussing a little. Well SIL was still up watching TV and decided she would go into C's room and pick him up!!!! I was watching him on the video monitor because he usually just fusses half asleep and then falls back to sleep. I about lost my mind! What in the world was she thinking? Not to mention, C hasn't seen her since the week he was born so its not like she was a familiar face. I went straight in the room and took him from her. I definitely said something to her about it this morning though. I'm really hoping this is not just a taste of what is to come for the whole week!

Re: Seriously? (IL issues already!)

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