I don't know what to do. I took him to his pedi and she told me all different kinds of things he should eat, drink, etc. to stop it. He had a slight ear infection and she gave me some amoxicillin for the ear. She didn't seem too concerned though.
Well, that was last Thurs. and he still freaking has it. I just picked him up from school and his teacher told me he was just lethargic today and had 2 terrible bowel movements!! We finished his antibiotics on Wed. so shouldn't it be getting better??!! Ugg, I am just so frusterated and don't know what else to do!
Re: Ugg, ds with diarrhea for 3 weeks now!
DS has chronic diarhea, and when it comes on badly, he has NO milk. he eats 2 yogurts a day, 1-2 bananas a day, applesauce. and LOTS of toast.
the other things he eats are plain pasta, english muffin. basically plain carbs.
i understand he is picky, but it is better to eat NOTHING with diarhea, then to eat something that will make it flare up. (that is straight from my GI drs mouth)
ohh and NO NO NO juice. water with gatorade mixed in or plain water. NOTHING else, no milk, no nothing.
I am really an expert on this. DS has had chronic diarhea since he was 10 months old. i have learned a lot.