
group b strep

So apparently the doctor caught that I have group b strep early on in the pregnancy in a urine sample. I don't think they ever told me about it though.

We've been talking about inducing on the 30th. Since the babies are both head down I was going to be able to try for a vaginal, but it was suggested to me that I may just want to plan a c-section. Now that I know about the group b strep it kind of makes me want to do the c-section more just to eliminate the risks some more. Some people say the babies can't get sick from the strep when you have a c-section and then there's other people saying that they still can. 

 Do any of you know about this or have experience with it?

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Re: group b strep

  • My OB didn't even do the GBS since I was having a c/s.  Talk to your OB and get their opinion.  If having a vaginal is important to you, it's really not a big deal, they just give you a bag of antibiotics in your IV.
  • they can give you a series of antibiotics to cure the GBS and still allow you to have a vaginal delivery.
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  • Yeah, I was GBS+ and there was never a question about whether I could still deliver vaginally. I got the IV antibiotics during my induction.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
  • 25-30% of women have GBS.  GBS sepsis in newborns is exceedingly rare now that women get PCN in labor.  I treat it daily in my laboring pts.  No big deal.  It would not deter me from a vaginal delivery if my twins were vtx/vtx.  There are still inherent risks for babies at cesarean including breathing issues from not having lung secretions squeezed out from traveling through the pelvis.

    Talk to your OB who can help you with this decision. 

    Three losses in 2009; Boy/Girl twins born in 2010 image
  • I was GBS+ and induced. My twins were vertex/vertex. The impact that GBS had on my labor was that 12 hours after Baby A's water was broken, by my OB, I had to have a c-section solely because of the risk of infection. (There was no emergency) But my OB was not concerned until that 12 hour mark passed and there were absolutely no problems. 
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  • I tested positive for group B strep & I was induced & tried going vaginally.  When they started the pitocin they also started antibiotics & I was on those the whole time. 
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