Ever since B learned to pull up in her crib, naptime has become a huge battle. Our days go something like this. She will act sleepy in the morning like usually, we do our normal routine and put her down for her 9 am nap. She will be standing before I get out the door. Regardless of whether I go in and lay her back down or ignore her for an hour, she plays (mostly) or cries (a little) for an hour until I decide to give up on the nap. She hasn't taken a morning nap for me in over a week. Sometimes she makes up for it in the afternoon, sometimes not. Yesterday she took one 45 min nap all day and was down for the night at 5:45. I think she is too young to drop the morning nap and she sure acts like she needs it. She also wakes up several times a night and stands up, so I have to go nurse her back to sleep. Before she would mostly go back to sleep on her own and was only waking to nurse once a night. Anyone fought this battle? Does it get better?
Re: Naptime frustration
We are going through this, but with C rolling over. Once he gets to his belly he will play around a little and then usually gets really mad because he can't roll back over so when I go in to help him roll back over, he just rolls right to his belly again before I am even out of the room. So far I have been able to loose swaddle him and it keeps him on his back, but it doesn't always work.
Hopefully you two can come to some agreement soon and she starts napping better for you! I know my baby and he gets way too cranky without his morning nap.
That's exactly what we're going through with Reese. I have started just staying in the room trying to soothe her on her belly until she finds a comfortable position, & then she pretty much stays on her belly the rest of the night. Like you said, if I try to flip her, she rolls right back over. The weird thing is that she doesn't move an inch when I put her down for a nap during the day. At night, she does 360 turns, rolls to her belly, etc. And it starts immediately when we put her down. Strange how it's different than naptime.
Oh, and Cris, we did end up borrowing the Angel Care monitor from our friend, & it has been INCREDIBLE peace of mind with her on her belly. Thanks!
Blayne--when she stands up in the middle of the night, is she happy or angry? Will she eventually lay down if you leave her, or does she just stay standing until you go in? That's tough.
ETA: What if she had something in her crib that she could "play" with that would help to soothe her back to sleep? I was initially against any kind of entertainment in the crib, but I'm realizing it may be something to consider. Maybe it would lure Briley to lay back down. Just brainstorming...
Dani - when she started this I took everything out of her crib, hoping she would be bored and go to sleep. My mom suggested the same thing though, so I think I will try it.
We would just lay her down again and walk out. You might have to do that several times, but it would eventually work with us. You could even try rubbing her back or belly or patting it to soothe her.
With Caroline, we have a pretty short window to get her in her crib once she's tired if we are going to have any luck in her sleeping. If I take her up too early, I can usually tell within 30 minutes of this and then I'll just get her up and we'll play or eat and by then she'll have sleepy cues again. Usually it works the second time around.