
Cloth Diapering

I am seriously considering cloth diapering, but still undecided.  I need advice from those of you who have tried it with multiples.  Both if you still do it successfully, and if it didnt work out for you.  Ups and downs of it, whats the best brand you have found?  One piece diapers you wash, or inserts you wash with shells, etc.   Everyone I even mention it to thinks ive fallen off my rocker!  LOL   HELP!


Spontaneous Di/Di twin boys born at 34 weeks on 02/21/2011
Baby #3 due January 2016
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Re: Cloth Diapering

  • We CD our twins and our toddler and it's super easy. We use Thirsties Duo Wrap covers with prefolds for our twins. The covers work great, we've never had a blow-out in them, they have gussets which is awesome. It was a really inexpensive system to go with too. We have 12 covers and they run around $13 a piece and we have 48 prefolds which I got on sale for $1.10 a piece. We have enough to do laundry every other day.

    For our toddler we use Bumgenius 3.0 one size pocket diapers and we love them. They are around $18 a piece but I always buy mine on CL or seconds on Cottonbabies. We also use Gogreen pocket diapers and they are only $8.99 a diaper and they work just as well and they have really cute prints. Another brand that is inexpensive and works well are Kawaii pockets. You can find them at They are only around $7 a diaper.

    You don't have to use expensive diapers - our $7 diapers work just as well as our $18 ones.

    I got so much crap from my family when I started CDing my toddler, it was ridiculous. The only person who was fully supportive of my decision was my DH.

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  • It is definitely doable. There are actually lots of MoMs who do it. It does mean a couple extra loads of laundry a week, but overall, not so bad. We use a mixture of FBs, BG 3.0 and BG Organic AIOs. I think BG is probably the most popular brand overall, but everyone has something different that they like.

    When they were tiny I used prefolds and covers and wasn't a fan. It was more in my head than anything, but when they got wet it seemed like they were sitting in wetness. They are by far the easiest laundrywise and cheapest. I know lots of moms like them. 

    I think it is that has a trial deal of diapers that everyone recommends. It allows you to try out different kinds and send back what you don't want.

    You're not off your rocker. When I think about how many disposables I would have gone through by now, I think everyone else is off their rocker for not using cloth :) 

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  • Oh, and ditto the CL or seconds. BG is always having seconds sales. I still don't know what is wrong with mine that made them seconds. 
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  • I am using cloth on my son and will when I have the twins. That will mean 3 in diapers!

    I have a varied newborn stash which consists of kissaluv0's, covers, a few all in ones and some other fitteds. Also check out softbums. They are my favorite diaper with my son and are one size so they can be used all the way through potty training.

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  • We CD DD and love it! We have fuzzibunz and bumgenius, and I got a BIN full of prefolds from someone from my local freecycle (haven't used them on DD-plan on getting them ready just for the twins in a few months, and upping my stash a little more). Now that I know we're having twins I am DEFINITELY glad we do-I can't imagine having to buy diapers x2 knowing how much we save just doing it with one! That being said, I'm not one of the brave ones who will CD from the start-I'll wait till about 8-10 weeks or so till the REALLY nasty poos are gone, we're on a schedule, and we're less sleep deprived.
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