
Anyone have one HB measuring way lower?

I had to go to the ER last Sunday because I was bleeding uncontrollably.  It was from a large SCH.  At the ER they found both heartbeats and we were so relieved, we thought for sure we had lost both babies based on the blood I had I lost.  They told me to follow up the following day with the my doctor which I did.

She also found both babies but Baby B was measuring about 3 -4 days behind Baby A and (s)he heart rate was only 120 and the Baby A was 159.  So they are little concerned the Baby B was distressed by the SCH and/or it hurt the babies placenta.  We are hoping (s)he was just a little distressed.  I go back for another u/s on Monday and have been doing modified bed rest this week.

Has anyone else had one measuring behind and heart rate lower and it caught back up?


TTC since 07/2009
Me: PCOS, Blood/Immune Issues DH: Low all 3
Jun.- Sep. 2010 IUI#1-#3 = BFN
Oct. 2010 = IVF #1 = B/G Twins (passed away Feb. 2011)
May 2011 = Myomectomy and trans-abdominal cerclage (TAC)
Sep. 2011 = Surprise BFP = C/P
Feb. 2012 = sFET #1 = BFN
Feb.2012 = Hail Mary IUI #4 = BFN
April/May 2012 = FET #2 w/our last two embies = BFP (Please let this be it!)
Beta #1 8dp5/6dt = 234 Beta #2 10dp5/6dt = 695 Beta #3 12dp5/6dt = 1796 Beta #4 17dp5/6dt = 17,888 U/S #1 May 17, 2012 = Twins
Baby B's heart stop beating at 9 weeks 5 days
Our little miracle baby is a boy. :)

Baby Boy Owen and Baby Girl Avery were born too early on Feb. 13, 2011 due to a pedunculated fibroid, incompetent cervix and suspected placental abruption.
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"What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose." - Henry Ward Beecher
Lots of love and luck to my PAIF/3T/IF Veteran ladies, especially my dear friend Zookie. Congrats to Papps, Teach84 and Starbuck on their little ones.

Re: Anyone have one HB measuring way lower?

  • I always had one who was about 20-30 bpm lower than the other.

    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Mine almost always had heart rates that were very different.
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  • I have had several u/s where one baby was 30 bpm slower than the other. I also had the same worry because the slower hb was the baby affected by the sch. At my nt scan on Monday they were closer together at 163 and 164 bpm. They have ranged from 120 to 185 over the past month, so I am trying to not put too much stock into each individual measurement. Hang in there M!
    After 3 years, 3 losses, and 3 IVF's, our little girls have arrived! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Zoo
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