I was reading on some other website (yahoo answers i think) while searching internals and some lady post that the doc might push on your belly in order to feel the baby cervix etc and then she said something how she didnt mind because it would make baby be lower and for labor to progress, if this is the case then i DO NOT want my internal done next week
Re: Internals can't cause labor to progress right?
Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
yahoo answers is one of the largest compendiums of moronic 'advice' on the internet. You'd probably get better information trolling 4chan.
Actually, sex can help start labor. There are prostaglandins in semen that can cause your cervix to ripen. Plus having an orgasm can make you contract. I think you have to have a lot of sex for it to work though...
Well there's nothing wrong with putting them off, but they aren't going to put you into labor if your body isn't ready yet. I don't think it would have any effect like that unless you were already dialated/effacing and they stripped your membranes on purpose. Just an internal by itself (if you're closed, not dilated) is going to put you into labor.
FWIW, I had my first one yesterday. Maybe I got lucky but it wasn't bad or that invasive at all like I expected. People describe them like they were going to be up their elbows in there or something, and it was not like that at all.
Think about it this way, why would a doctor do something that would put you into labor that early in your pregnancy? They wouldn't. So unless you're already going to go into labor, an internal won't jump start things that aren't ready to start on their own.
This. Simply pressing on the belly while during the internal is not going to start labor. However if they intentionally or accidentally strip the membrane that can start labor. This is one of the risks of internals along with infection.
i guess like any other procedure there is a risk, but now i am leaning towards taking the risk closer to my due date
My doctors office doesn't usually attempt them until 38 wks, and one doctor won't do one until 39 wks. She said that she doesn't like to "disturb" anything.
That being said, with DS I had an internal at 37 wks (was already dialated 1cm) and another at 38. They were done by my nurse practicioner and on my 2nd exam she said I'd deliver in a few days, she never stripped my membranes, but my water broke 30 hours later and I was a very happy camper
For me it was nice to know that I was progressing, it made me feel more prepared.