So for those who have their outside children already, what are your thoughts on more kids now that you know what life is like with 2 small kiddos??
If it is harder than you thought maybe you've changed your mind on the spacing of future kids, or maybe not?? Just curious
Feel free to share any thoughts, I think lots of lurkers come over to see just how hard life will be with 2 kids that close in age, see the pros and cons. If it has changed your opinion on future kids that's great info for someone to have!
Re: 2u2 clicky re: more kids
We're torn between 2 and done or 1 more.
Although #2 isn't here yet, if we choose to have #3 it will be when our duo is 4 and 3 or 3 and 2. I do want to wait a few years to give my body a break (especially after 2 c-sections close together). Plus, I think it will be nice for the older 2 to be able to help me out a little. DH wants 3u3, but there is no chance. I am done being pregnant for the time being. Part of me thinks there will never be a #3 because once we move past the newborn phase we're not going to want to go back knowing the way DH and I are, but you never know.
this is true. i come her often because i cant decide if i can handle 2u2. we are thinking of TTC when LO turns one and he just turned 5 months yesterday
I love your positive posts! We know we want more children so it's nice to hear this coming from a mom of 4.
I love your positive posts! We know we want more children so it's nice to hear this coming from a mom of 4.
I love your positive posts! We know we want more children so it's nice to hear this coming from a mom of 4.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
(m/c 1.17.07, m/c 5.15.07)
DS - 03.15.08
DD2 - 12.03.09
DD3 - 3.28.11
We've had great experiences all around! I am, by nature a very organized person and I think it helps A LOT when you have a bunch of kids. Once we had two it taking care of them was a routine, and tossing one more into the routine wasn't a "big deal" if you get what I'm saying... We have had our trying times, and looked at each other and said "did we really do this?!" but those moments are few and far between and the rest of the time is a blast! It also helps that they become more independent as they grow, DS1 can get him self dressed and ready for school by himself. He could probably get himself cereal too, but I'M not ready for that...
We're going to wait until DS2 is in preschool (at least) and then do 2u2 again. I need time to forget how hard the beginning was It will be nice having two older kids who will be helpful, DS1 wasn't old enough to help get diapers, etc.
If we have one more, I often feel like it would be unfair not to have that child a sibling close in age! Our boys are best best friends and I love it.
Mama Jan's Kitchen... a food blog
Mom to Megan(5), Bridget(4), Tessa and Annie (2) and Mary (brand new)
I LOVE having my kids this close - but I wouldn't have a third this close. We barely get out of the house enough as it is with my DH's work hours and no help. I'd love to have two more kids - maybe 3 years between #2 and #3 and then 2 years between #3 and #4...but I'm be happy with one more, I think.
Things have actually gotten harder for us in terms of getting out and doing things....both kids are in the running/crawling all over the place phase and I can't/won't do it alone. So we just don't go out that much and I don't want to go through this again. I'd like to wait until #1 is in school full time and #2 is in school part time and old enough to understand things better.
We love the 18 month gap, but the only things stopping us from doing 18 mo again is 1-DH is gone a lot and I want DS to be a little older and maybe in prek. 2-I dont want to BF while pg again, and I want to BF at least a year. 3- our house is tiny and we would like to try and sell it if we can before we have a new baby.
We decided we will TTC this time next year. So DD will be 18 months old. The spacing will be 2.5 ish years if we get pg within a few months. I really dont want them 3 or more years apart. I also really dont want a June baby again. It was very hard during the summer with a toddler who was bored and a newborn who couldnt be in the heat and sun. I would rather be huge and pg all summer and have a baby in sept or later.
We would love 4 or 5....we'll see.
Mine are exactly 2 years apart, and I love it. It's been easy, fun, and my boys are already in love with each other.
We'll definitely have a 3rd (and I personally would consider a 4th) and would like around the same age difference again. So far, our plan is to TTC right around Cooper's 1st birthday.
i feel you make what you have work- you have no other choice.
i had 3 under 3 (DS1 was 2y2mo when the twins were born)... being twins is a whole other story compared to typical 2u2's... lots of hard stuff- but you just make it work. We love it and can't imagine it any other way.
2 beautiful children
proud mommy!
pPROM at 27 weeks, Birdy born at 28 weeks at 2lb 7oz.
We went through this too with Minnie... it's all but gone now. And now I want another one or two. lol Just remind yourself this shall pass.
pPROM at 27 weeks, Birdy born at 28 weeks at 2lb 7oz.