and thanks to Cristina for posting what's going on with me.
I did hear from my doctor yesterday after her office closed. She had my first round of labwork back, and said that my liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are all functioning well still. This is good news, and took a little of the nerves off - even if I did panic when I saw that it was the doctor calling.
I saw the T&P post, and knew some of you girls were wondering if I had PUPPPs instead of cholestasis in pregnancy. The weird part is, I itch and itch all day long (especially at night), but there is nothing visibly wrong with my skin like a rash (which apparently PUPPPs causes a rash). I am not one to self-diagnose, but as soon as I read about this cholestasis, I immediately thought, "so that's why I itch all the time" and then got really uneasy about it. Hopefully she can get my labs back before Christmas, so we'll know, but if she does, there is a good possibility I would be spending Christmas in the hospital being induced. At this point, though, that doesn't even bother me - I'm just ready to stop itching. The medicine has helped some, and I can sleep more at night because I'm not scratching as much, but the doctor said that most likely it won't completely go away until a few days after delivering Kari.
I really appreciate you girls offering up the thoughts and prayers; it's been a whirlwind few days, and I was already really emotional to boot. Now, I have mixed feelings about it all, and just keep hoping for a positive outcome.
I finally bought another computer after our other one died the week after Thanksgiving and we've been trying to decide what to get or fix the old one, etc. Hopefully now I can be around a little more.
Re: Thanks for the T&P, girls.
K+S 9.18.9 | DD #1 age 2 | PG # 5 EDD 9.17.12