I keep thinking about trying something different for night but keep not doing it because it's so expensive. Currently we use a pocket diaper (either FB or BG) stuffed with both a microfiber and hemp insert. That worked well for a while, but not so much any more. I tried a disposable a couple times and he peed through that too. I'm kind of intimidated by wool. I've seen Dancing Bears fleece soakers recommended a lot, but a quick google search and I'm thinking they've been discontinued? Any other fleece soaker recs?
And, what are some recs for underneath the soaker? If I do a fitted, I'd rather do one with snaps than have to do a snappi... can't imagine hooking up a snappi on my uber mobile baby (I usually end up putting the diaper on him while he's standing, LOL)
Re: Fleece soaker?
Wool is actually not that scary. I had my mom make two shorties out of an old sweater that I wasn't wearing cause it had some holes. I put them right over the pocket diapers. we have some very loved BG 3.0 that we got for free but the leak thru the PUL so I needed a solution. I would imagine that fleece would work as well.
I went with the old sweater b/c I was afraid of wool and it's so expesive that I didn't want to spend the money and then suck at it. Now the only thing holding me back from some more cute shorties is the money! I don't really have an recs on the fleece cause I'm just going to have my mom make it if I decide to go that route.