Jocelyn came home this afternoon! It was like our Christmas miracle. I wanted to see snow on the ground before Christmas and it snowed most of the day, and then of course, best of all, Jocelyn came home! She's such a good baby, she went down at 7:30 for bed and hasn't woken up yet. The nurse told us a while ago that because she was bottle fed she might not even take to breast feeding. I tried twice to get her to breast feed, but no luck. Cayden came home from preschool early because of the snow, and he was running around screaming at the top of his lungs "my sissy home!" over and over again. He was over the moon when Jocelyn held his finger. Daddy sat in the nursery for a good hour in the rocker just watching from across the room. Thank you all for the support you've given to Jimmy and I. We feel so blessed to have such great people to turn to.
Re: we're home
That's such great news! Ignore that nurse: yes, it can be difficult, but think positively! Jocelyn may be able to learn to bf if you have the patience and persistence to give it time. If she won't latch, you can try a nipple shield ($9 at Target) to help. We had to use one for one side for about 1.5 mo. You can try pumping a little first and then putting her to breast after that. Keep in mind she doesn't have a ton of stamina, so if you can get to letdown first, it'll be a lot easier for her. It took us about 2 weeks to transition to full time bfing. Some people it takes longer and for some it doesn't work out, but definitely don't give up yet if you want to bf!
:hugs: Congrats on having her home!
Great! Thanks, I have to go grocery shopping anyway so I'll definitely pick it up.
Thank you everyone. She woke up once when Cayden decided that the floor was more comfortable to sleep on. It was probably the loudest thud I've ever heard in my life. He slept right through it...still is! But he doesn't have school today because of 2 inches of snow (oh my!) so it'll be interesting to see what goes on today! Happy Friday ladies
My twins Benjamin and Olivia