
contractions at 22 weeks??

I've been having contractions pretty much all day today.  Was hoping that they would settle down when I got home from work, but that has not been the case.  Guess I am wondering if it is something I should call my doc about or just try to get some rest and see how I feel tomorrow??  WWYD?

 (I just don't want to call my doc and get sent to the ER and then be there all night just to be sent home with instructions to rest and "take it easy")

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Re: contractions at 22 weeks??

  • How far apart are they?
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  • about 5 to 7 minutes apart and last for about 45 secs to 1minute.  They don't "take my breath away" or anything, just very uncomfortable...
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  • If they're that close together, I would call your on-call doc and explain what is going on.  Drink some water and put your feet up, too.  It might turn out to be a false alarm, but it is always better to be on the safe side.  Good luck!!
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    about 5 to 7 minutes apart and last for about 45 secs to 1minute.  They don't "take my breath away" or anything, just very uncomfortable...

    Yeah I think you need to call. I was told 5-6 an hour warrants a call to the doctor.

  • I agree, I would call or just go in to L&D.  You don't want to mess with contractions at 22 weeks!
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  • Before you call I would drink a tall glass of water and lie on your left side for an hour. If they don't go away then definitely call.
    Mom to six awesome kids - Levi is 12, Landen is 8, Gabrielle is 6, Lucas is 3, and Oliver and Samuel are 2 years old. Love my crew. Baby Birthday Ticker TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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