How long did you keep your LO on preemie formula if you are a bottle feeder? When we stopped bfing we started enfacare bc the pedi said they need the extra vitamins/minerals but DS is extremly fussy and gassy so we want to switch to a gentler formula but none have as many extra vitamins/mineral. TIA!
Re: preemie formula?
I pumped and supplemented for weight gain with Neosure. At 6 weeks switched to all formula. Then about 8 weeks the doctor told me I could switch to Sensitve if I wanted. So we did. There is only 22 extra calories per ounce in Neosure so it wasnt that big of a diffrence! Good luck!
My pedi actually just told us we could take our DD off of the neosure. she was on it for six months and the pedi said that is about how long the like them on it for. I am so glad to have her off thought because it is so expensive! While DD was on the neosure though she was pretty gassy for a long time
My twins Benjamin and Olivia