Seems like its been a long time since I checked in and it was only 5 days ago. Ugh the 2ww takes forever. So how is everyone doing and whats everyone doing? I am almost done with holiday cards- anyone want one sent to them you need to email me at kristin at with your address asap!
Happy baby sticky dust to all!
Re: checking in
Sorry your 2 WW is going slow. Keeping my fingers crossed a christmas surprise for you.
I'm starting Lupron on Christmas day for my DE IVF cycle. The protocol is alot less intensive than a regular IVF and unfortunately longer. Work and holiday stuff is keeping me busy though. Hope you have a wonderful holiday!
I'm suffering in the 2WW as well, although I had a temp drop this morning so I'm not super hopeful. It is still above the CL, but dropping is not good. If AF doesn't show today, I'll probably take a test in the morning. But, it looks like I'm on to Clomid round 3. I am going to ask for some additional monitoring this cycle, though. I've never had CD21 BW done, so I'd like to add that for progesterone levels and a pre-O u/s so I can see how I'm responding (I know I should have had this prior, but that's not how my dr does it - they only do CD3 typically).
Only four more days of work til I'm off for 10 days! Can't wait! Hope everyone is doing well and we get some BFPs on here soon!
I'm 9 dpo and yeah, this seems like the longest 2ww yet. Doesn't help that I'm pretty down about the whole thing and currently convinced that IUIs just don't work for us. Trying already to think about whether we'll do another one (the last) in January or take a break. DH will be able to be here so that's a reason to do one; but then again he'll be here, which is also a reason to go for it au naturale.
@alfontaine: Yes, you should definitely ask for a pre-O u/s! I'm sort of shocked they don't do that, because it's really important to see if Clomid isn't perhaps thinning your lining or, alternately, making you produce too small or too many follicles! I was only on Clomid for one cycle, because the pre-O u/s revealed that it had thinned my lining too much and had produced follicles, but nothing bigger than 10mm by CD 12. Femara/Letrozole has worked much better for me (not that I've gotten KU yet, however).
Fingers crossed for all of us!