Baby Names

Same middle name for both kids? (different gender)

I did not take my DH's last name when we got married, so obviously we have different last names.  We would have preferred to hyphenated our kids' last names, but DH's name is crazy long and a hyphenated name would be ridiculous.  My DD's middle name is my last name and we plan to do the same thing for DS.  Both my mom and MIL have recently expressed how odd they think this is-since we will have both a girl and a boy with the name middle name.  I guess I could understand if it was a random family name, or even my maiden name, but it is my CURRENT last name.  MIL suggested 2 middle names, which I am not into at all. 

We have no intention of changing our plan, but I am curious to hear if others think it is odd to have a boy and girl with the same middle name. 



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Re: Same middle name for both kids? (different gender)

  • I don't think its weird.  I think its nice. 
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  • Not weird at all- particularly since you're using your last name. My 2 sisters and I all have my mother's maiden name as our middles. We plan on doing the same thing. ALL kids (regardless of sex) will have my maiden name as their middle. 

    And really- how many people will hear both kids' full names together to even make a comment? I wouldn't worry about it at all. :) Lovely idea! 

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  • I don't think it is odd.  DS might feel left out if you don't do this.
  • I would advise against two middle names. Me and my other two siblings were all given my mom's maiden name as our second middle name, and it's just confusing for everyone (filling out paperwork and stuff like that). I don't think there's anything weird with what you want to do. There was a girl I went to school with who's middle name was her mother's maiden name. So what if both your kids have the same middle name. If it's what you want to do, then who cares what other people think. It's really not that weird.
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  • Not weird at all. It's important to honor both parents. My last name isn't changing whenever we get around to tying the knot and I was thinking about doing this exactly. Apparently it is a Spanish tradition to take both parents surnames, fathers first, and then as they get older they usually ditch one. This is the other option for us. Just have to get hubby on board, he's a bit of a traditionalist.

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  • I don't think it's weird at all. I like the idea. Don't do a double middle name!
  • Doesn't seem weird to me at all. Even if it were a family name and not your current last name, it still wouldn't seem weird.
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  • I think it's a great idea - not weird at all!

    When I got married, I change my MN to my maiden name (that way I could still take DH's LN and keep my name without having to hyphenate).  I've had older people tell me that I couldn't legally do that or it was so confusing, blah blah blah.  I think it's just a generation thing because none of our peers thought it was odd (and most thought it was a brilliant idea!)   

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  • If it was just any name, I'd think it's weird. But with your situation, I don't think it's weird at all. I think it's a great way to tie all of your family members together with your last name.
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • I think given your situation its a great idea, and really the best idea, because you have already done it for one child. Like a pp has said it might actually make your DS feel left out if you didn't.
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  • I have 2 brothers and sister, and we all have the same middle name, which is my mom's maiden name.  Whether your maiden name is still your last name, it shouldn't make a difference in whether you should use it or not.  When people asked where my middle name came from, I just simply told them it was my mom's maiden name. I never had an issue with it.  It is also common in other cultures.
  • I don't think it's odd at all.
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  • A friend's mother did take her husband's last name, but still wanted all of her children to have her maiden name as their middle name. Her maiden name was even a common boy's name, but all of her sons and daughters have it. I think it's a great idea, and I've heard it makes things a lot simpler for your kids to have your name somewhere so it's clear you're the parent despite the different last name (for passports etc). I think it would be weird to randomly assign the same mn to all of your children, but in your case it isn't really a mn as much as your children have two last names instead of a mn. I actually think it's really odd to give your last name to one child and not the rest. Definitely do it.

  • I don't think it's odd- this is exactly what we are doing!
  • We are likely going to do the exact same thing for the exact same reasons.  Oddly, both sets of grandparents have said they assumed we would do it and like the idea.  DH is the one I'm having to convince that it's not "odd" ;-)
  • Growing up I knew a brother and sister that had the 'same' middle name. Only it was gene and jean. Not exactally the same, but still pronounced the same.
  • Actually no...I don't find it odd at all. Maybe it's because it's surname, and the middle name spot is a perfect place for family names. I actually think it's a great solution to the issues you mentioned. And we have a poster here with two sons that share the same middle name (their father's first name), and I don't think it's odd at all....because eventually they'll grow up, movie out, start their own families and become heads of their's kind of nice to have something like that in common to carry on.

    Disclaimer: I'm commenting on a hypothetical surname...since I don't know the actual name, I can't point out any problems with the specific name.

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  • Thanks, everyone!  I appreciate the input.
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Yeah, not weird at all
  • I have the same middle name as my sister and brothers. So, I think it's just fine :)
  • I think your current plan that's a great idea!
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  • imageJLGY:
    I don't think it's weird at all. I like the idea. Don't do a double middle name!


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