he's beautiful! so happy for you. enjoy this time!
*TTC since February 08*
2 IUIs that didn't take, exploratory LAP and hysterscopy in September 2010 that revealed nothing, means we're adopting!
Preliminary paper work to agency & started home study in 11/10
Profiles to agency on 1/12/11 - Officially waiting!
First home study visit scheduled for 1/29/11
Matched (Eek!) on 1/24/11
*Sweet baby boy born on 1/26/11*
TTC since January 2010
BFP 5/9/10. U/S - no heartbeat 6/2/10 (7 weeks). Induced miscarriage 6/7/10.
Chemical pregnancies 12/2/10, 1/3/11, and 2/7/11.
dx: RPL due to poor quality uterine lining; begin progesterone January 2011
BFP 3/10/11. EDD 11/19/11. E arrived 11/15/11!
TTC #1 since 12/07
SA 9/08=borderline normal
HSG 1/09 found R tube blocked
Multiple IUIs both with oral and injectible drugs from 2/09-2/11
Started domestic adoption process in 5/10, homestudy complete 9/10
Failed adoption after home with baby for 2 weeks 11/10
Blessed through the miracle of private adoption with a son, born 6/6/11 (his grandma's bday) 7lbs 9oz 20.5 inches long! So worth the wait!
Re: Just want to share a little of my new love
After 2 years of TTC#1, 2 losses, & a lot of prayers, we're hoping this is it!
BFP 5/9/10. U/S - no heartbeat 6/2/10 (7 weeks). Induced miscarriage 6/7/10.
Chemical pregnancies 12/2/10, 1/3/11, and 2/7/11.
dx: RPL due to poor quality uterine lining; begin progesterone January 2011
BFP 3/10/11. EDD 11/19/11. E arrived 11/15/11!
Loss Blog | Life Blog
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
So precious! I'm so happy for you!
Harry didn't cry very much in the beginning either, but that changed.