Cloth Diapering

I'm back! and a question...

Whew, it's been a long two weeks.

We had Mr Collin on 12/1 via C-Section! We haven't started CDing yet, bc we're waiting on his cord to fall off (any day now). 

Here's my question, can I use Bag Balm with CDs? My MIL got us some after DS got his first diaper rash (stupid sposies & stupid wipes) and it cleared up right away - but I wasn't sure if I could use it when we do start CDing. 

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Missing our sweet Angeline. BFP #1: 7.12.09 / EDD: 3.15.10 / Missed Miscarriage: 8.14.10
BFP #2: 3.16.10 / EDD: 11.28.12 / Collin Rex born 12.1.10
TTC#2: May 2012
BFP #3: 7.5.12 / CP 7.12.12
BFP #4: 1.28.12 / EDD: 10.11.13
betas: 10dpo: 91 / 14dpo: 493 / first u/s: 3.4.13
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: I'm back! and a question...

  • Welcome back!! Your DS is sooo cute! I'm pretty sure that's a no-no with CDs. I remember looking it up for another friend who CDs a few months ago. You could use fleece liners in the dipes to protect them, though I'm always afraid it will get on my CDs anyway.

    I really like CJ's BUTTer stick. Works well and the application is so easy and not messy. :) SweetBottom Baby Boutique sells it and they have free shipping.

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