If you FF'ed or supplemented with formula, which did you use and why?
I've been using Enfamil Newborn since it has the most Vitamin D and I figured that would be a good supplement to the breastmilk. Now, that I'm FFing and Elise is almost 2 months, I'm thinking about which formula to use after she's no longer a "newborn." The Enfamil website says that you can just switch to regular Enfamil once she's 4 months old. However, from reading the label, there's not much difference in the ingredients between the two - only the extra Vitamin D in the "newborn" version. I was also considering Gentlease just because she's very farty, but her burping/spit-ups are pretty normal (not that I have a lot of experience, but they don't seem to be in excess). I'm also interested in your experievces with organic brands. I've seen that Similac has an organic formula, but I've never actually found it in the stores. I will also ask the pedi all these questions, but I don't think they can really endorse one brand over the other, right?
Re: formula poll
I supplemented with Enfamil Premium Lipil. DS was in the NICU when he was born and they gave him that formula in the hospital - it's really good, so we continued using that one until we switched him to whole milk. Check with your pediatrician on which one would be best for Elise :-)
Ditto, ask your pedi. Also, they will all react differently to different formulas. We started with enfamil, but because of reflux issues we switched around A LOT! Eventually, we found that Good Start Soy ready to feed was the best for Alexis.
Good luck!
Boys drink Similac Advance. It is suppose to VERY similar to breastmilk, but we chose it bc it was given to them in NICU and it sat well with them. Before going out and stocking up, we asked pedi and before we even mentioned ours, she recommended it. She ensured us that it has all the necessary vitamins and iron they needed. It is very easy to find.
Food for thought, pedi doesn't like soy based formula bc soy is estrogen based and studies show it may cause premature puberty. Every doctor has their own thoughts on the subject, just wanted to throw it out there.
FYI - hospitals endorse a different formula every month, or at least I think they do. While in NICU I saw a chart that insinuated this.
Also, I have an unopened sample can of powder enfimil newborn which I'll trade you the diapers for. : )
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Publix sells the Similac Organic BUT you might not find it now because they are just getting powder back on the shelves after the recall.
As far as the Vitamin D if that was something you wanted to add they have drops. I think I gave you some with the Enfamil stuff I gave you.
If you go the Similac route the Gentlelese compares to the Sensitive. The AR compares to the Similac Sensitive for Spit-Up. I liek the spit up because it already has some rice starch in it so less reflux/spit-up issues. Plus, it's a little thicker so it hold him over a little longer.
We're guity of never checking with the pedi about formula until a nurse recommended the SS-Spit-up. We just looked up what each formula was for and tried them out to see what worked for him. I'm not gonna go on cause I already told you all this lol
CP 7.19.08
Dx with PCOS 3.27.09
HSG 7.15.09 = All clear
8.09 & 9.09(re-try) IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel=cancelled due to cysts
10.09 IUI #1/2 - Clomid 100mg Follistim 150iu Ovidrel Crinone 8%=BFP!
22mm Follie / 60mil & 48mil post wash counts Beta #1 (14dpiui)= 102 Beta #2 (18dpiui)= 714 12.3.09 HB 135bpm
Our baby boy was born on 7.8.10 @ 38 weeks 2 days! 2:17pm 6lbs 8oz 20" long
HSG 2.2013 - IUI 1/2, 3/4 = BFN - Took 4 month forced break
I compared Similac and Enfamil and the ingreadients, vitamins, etc. seem very similar as well. DH mentioned they probably just change a few things for patent purposes.
MIL, an M.D., mentioned the same thing about soy once because we were drinking a lot of soymilk. We switched to almond milk at home, but still drink organic cow milk (fat free) bc I find the almond milk to be too thick and sweet. So, I wouldn't go the soy formula route unless it was absolutely necessary.
Justine, I saw that the Vitamin D drops have artificial color and flavoring so I didn't want to give them to her. I'm sure they put that in there for older babies who need it to have a taste, but it made me not want to use them. Anyway, now that she's on formula, I'm sure that they all have enough Vitamin D. It was when she was on breastmilk that I had that concern. Thx, for sharing your info.
Jackie, I already sent u a message, but my mom sent the diapers to Cuba. We can trade formula, though.
I'm going to see what pedi says. I am just not sure if her amount of farting/gas is considered "normal." If it is, I don't want to switch things up on her and I want to see if we HAVE to switch after she's no longer considered a "newborn." My mom said that their gassiness gets better once they're more mobile and they can release the gasses themselves so we'll see.
Sorry for misspellings and typos - typing with one hand
Oh forgot to comment on the gas. My boys not only fart ALL the time, but they smell worst than a grown man's farts. Holy hell are they disgusting. I always think the diaper needs to be changed, but there is never any poop to go along with the stench. LOL
Anyway, I mentioned it to the doctor and she wasn't concerned with it. She was more concerned with the consistency of the poop, and since theirs was considered normal, then no need to change. Niece which is the same "age" as them, also has a ton of gas. Her doctor put her on Similac Soy Sensitive (I too expressed our concerns to SIL, but their pedi doesn't like milk based formula for babies as he says it causes milk allergies. ::shrugs:: )
We too drink organic milk. We were drinking Almond milk for a while, but 1) more fatty and 2) too sweet and thick for our likings as well.
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Photo courtesy of www.yaporiginals.com
It's Beshert
Enfamil Premium with Lipil per pedi's rec. When I was pregnant, my ob/gyn had me take lipil vitamins in addition to my regular prenatal vitamins so I figured if it was important enough for her to get it in the womb, it would be beneficial to give her a formula that contained it as well. I've read a lot of good things about the link between DHA and eye/brain development in infants. Even though some sources say the benefits have not been proven, I figured it can't hurt.
This exactly