The story about our bus issue starting last week is told in blog in 3 parts for those who need background info. I posted a couple times last week about my 5 yo being on the bus for 2+ hours and being "lost" in the system. He was reported returned home when he had not been and was somewhere "far from home."
I feel like I have exhausted all my powers in getting answers. Yes, I have received apologizes, and was told that the transportation heads were going to listen to the audio on the bus to find out what happened, but I still have no real answers of where he was, how this happened, and how the school and transportation company plan on resolving the issue. They pretty much expect me to put Trevor back on the afternoon bus. This was the 3rd major incident this year. It WILL happen again, and I do not want to go through this again or anyone for that matter.
Would you put your child back on the bus? He is on an IEP, so he's not even on a regular bus. Five children ride with him in the afternoon. One of these children is a non-verbal DS little boy. I would have been even more beside myself had I been that child's mother. None of the higher ups think much about it. I am at a loss. I feel I must stand my ground and not put Trevor back on the afternoon bus until I get answers.
Re: Bus saga continues
I don't know if I'd be ready to put him back on the bus without more answers. Is there anyway he could have one of those simple cell phones where he pushes a button to call you if he's not home or feels like he's lost (or would he even know he wasn't going the right way)?
I'm telling the news stations!
I don't know, I'm really sorry you're going through this. I would be inclined to NOT put my kid back on the bus-but that's not fair. They should be able to fix this.
He wouldn't know how to use it and I do not think he would realize his bus was going the wrong way.
He wouldn't know how to use it and I do not think he would realize his bus was going the wrong way.
He wouldn't know how to use it and I do not think he would realize his bus was going the wrong way.
He wouldn't know how to use it and I do not think he would realize his bus was going the wrong way.
He wouldn't know how to use it and I do not think he would realize his bus was going the wrong way.
He wouldn't know how to use it and I do not think he would realize his bus was going the wrong way.
If there is any other way to get him home, I would not use the bus. But I'm a known helicopter parent.
Kaden William 11/4/06 and Dawson Michael 6/30/10
Dawson's first birthday - at the zoo
I'm doing my best right now to pick him up, but because of the distance of the school from home and work, it is VERY tight and impossible to do when I have a late night or meeting. Going to keep demanding something be done.
No, no updating as of yet, and I threatened going to the media or legal action. It is a large city school district. I do not know the names of the students on his bus, so car pooling with them is not possible. I think the issue is a non-issue to them. I'm just one parent with one concern, pretty easy to just ignore, but I'm not going away. Going to request a meeting with the principle next, but I have already spoken to her and while she seemed upset, she also seemed powerless over this transportation company. Everyone wants to point fingers, but no one wants to actually solve the problem!
Already did. Hand delivered on Thursday! No response.
Already did. Hand delivered on Thursday! No response.
I know the last problem was with the sub putting him on the wrong bus. Can you call everyday to make sure some adult is putting him on the right bus? Like the teacher, an aide, the principal? And have a double check with the bus driver...make sure the bus driver is always checking his name off the list and if he isn't, that a call is made to make sure he was not at school? I mean if there is only 5 kids riding that bus, why can't they make sure that all five are on before they leave?
I know that they shouldn't "have" to do this, but in light of their irresponsibility, I would think they could accommodate you a bit.
This is why I would go to the media. You will get responses with help from the news stations.
My Uncle went missing a couple of years ago. No one could help and no one knew how to issue a Silver Alert (which was being put into force the day I called). Once I called the news stations, everyone started moving.
If you give in and put him on the bus, the problem will not likely get solved. If you raise a big stink, your son will be safe. GL!
Have you posted on the special needs board? I know there's a few posters over there that have had to take on the school.
So sorry you're dealing with this.
This is what I am trying to get from the school; a written plan for Trevor in light of what has happened. He attends a self contained classroom in a school clear across the city. It is not easy to get to. I have gotten so many versions to the story. Tomorrow I'm going to ask my DH to take Trev to school and ask to speak with the principle and again request a plan. I will go in after school and pick him up and again ask for her if I have gotten no response. I plan on doing this until something is done. I will keep at it. but it is so frustrating!
No. I would not put my child back on that bus. Did you ask your son where he was? I couldn't quite get wether he was dropped off somewhere else or did he just ride the bus. I read 2+ hours on the bus and "somewhere far from home" and I am forgetting details...
Is there an afterschool program your DC can go to? Can you teach at the school your son goes to? Maybe more likely for next year...
Call an ARD? Call the media? All good suggestions.
Honestly, we are unsure of what exactly happened. Trevor get out of school at 3:20, he arrived home at 5:25. What I *think happened is that Trev was placed on a different bus because his normal driver was absent; a small bus instead of a van, there was some miscommunication somewhere and either the bus driver had no idea who she had on the bus or she was given the wrong name. We can not get the true story. I am certainly hoping he was never let off the bus, but I can not be sure.
Word. I had Nesties telling me they seen me on their news stations out of state. It works.
Good for you! don't stop until you get answers. I'm not so sure I wouldn't call the local news, either. Let them report on it and see what happens.
I wouldn't put my kid on the bus again. I didn't read the whole back story but just from what you've written on this post, gives me a bad feeling. I also agree with previous posters about calling the local media. Have a t.v. station cover it or even an article in the paper might suffice. I wouldn't stop until I got REAL answers and responses.
Ethan {1.11.10} & Malia {12.28.06}
What is his special need, this makes a difference to me in how the question is answered.
Your best bet right now is to request an IEP meeting in writing also in the request you need to request that the transportation supervisor be at the meeting. You will then have his teacher, an administrator, and the head of transportation in the same room, you can also request the director of SPED for the district be present. This will enable you to put a plan in writing that is then a legal plan that must be followed.
I caution you against the media route for several reasons. If your son is in the sped system and will be ther efor a while it would do you good to remain on the positive side of this system.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I am assuming that he is non-verbal?
I'm sure throughout this process you've come to realize the principal has NO control over transportation. All he can do is ensure some sort of system to gaurantee that your son is on the right bus. From there, the transportation is another department all together. The bus drivers have their own managers and coordinators.
You definitely do need to have another addendum IEP meeting to make sure that you have some sort of checks and balances system written to gaurantee that your son gets on the right bus to being with. I am sure you know, but whatever is written in his IEP, the school/transportations dept/district is legally bound to.
I would probably go to the news as well. Obviously, you are not being taken seriously. Your child can not speak up for himself (from what I gather), so speak up for him and be his advocate. The story might "follow him", but that would be a good thing, imo. I think people would think twice before messing with you/him again. And it is not like you have to plaster his pic or anything on the news. You can be discrete with his identity.
Page me if you have any questions. I am a former sped teacher and fairly well versed with IDEA.