
If you used / will use Arm's Reach co-sleepers ...

We have a mini co-sleeper from DS and are going to purchase a second so the twins can room in with us and still have separate places to sleep. Wondering if we should get a second mini or just get the original size???? It seems as though the weight limits are the same ... is that possible? We live in a different home now and have space for the larger one, I just don;t know if there are any benefits. Just looking fir some help to think this through. Thank you!

Re: If you used / will use Arm's Reach co-sleepers ...

  • we used 2 of the minis - i see no reason for a larger one.  our boys were in them for about 6 months, too... no problem with size (and Gibby has always been really big).

    we loved them! Had one on each side- and switched the babies around every 2 nights so we would both have them an even amount and not always been with the same baby.

  • imageGoldie_Locks_5:

    ...switched the babies around every 2 nights so we would both have them an even amount and not always been with the same baby.


    I love this idea ! Thanks for your response.

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  • I used my co sleeper a hand full of times (reflux issues). Now that they are bigger I wished I would have just saved my money because I use my two el-cheapo playpens sooo much more. I wouldn't spend the big bucks on a regular size one, IMO.
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  • If you already have one mini, I would either just get a second mini, or a PnP with a bassinet for the other baby. We got an Original for them to share at first but that lasted less than two weeks; it was WAY too noisy in our room with two gassy, refluxy babies who were up all the time! So we moved them to the nursery pretty early on and just put the Cosleeper downstairs as a free-standing bassinet to put them in during the day or sometimes nap in.
    fraternal twin boys born january 2009
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