Babies: 0 - 3 Months

If you tore....tmi sex question...

I had a partial 3rd degree tear....and I'm freaked the F out to ever have sex. After being in that much pain and seeing what looked like a warzone down there, I can't imagine ever willingly putting something in there again. For those who long did you wait and how bad was it? I'm 8 weeks since delivery and DH is getting antsy.
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Re: If you tore....tmi sex question...

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    yeah, we just had sex for the first time last Thursday. I was petrified.... it wasn't terrible, but wasn't comfortable by any means...
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    We tried for the first time at 6 wks. Honestly, the first 2 times did hurt. And even now at almost 12 wks, certain positions still hurt in the area that I tore. But as long as we don't do those positions, it is OMG good. For it's better than pre-preg sex, only thing I can think of is that maybe some new nerve endings. 
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    honestly wasn't that bad at all.  Everyone had me so scared that I waited as long as I possibly could.  Was totally fine. 
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    I had a 3rd degree tear and we tried at 5wk pp (with the okay from my dr) and it hurt the first 2 times, but now its really not bad, only a tiny bit tender in certain positions. good luck
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    We waited until 7 weeks, we had to wait until after I had my Mirena put in. The first time was mildly uncomfortable at times, it hurt worse the second time, and the third felt amazing. The area I tore at hurt like heck after the last time though, but during sex it didn't bother me at all.
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    I had a 2nd degree tear and we waited 4 weeks PP to have sex. It hurt going in at first (we used lots of lube) but once it was in it was amazing! I didn't want to stop, EVER and that's totally different than how I felt pre-pregnancy! Everytime since then has still been amazing!
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    Just commented on one of these threads yesterday...I'm in the minority from what I can tell...but sex was depressing. I tore pretty bad and now use a nuva hasn't hurt, but there is a 'difference' in feeling. My DH says it 'isn't bad"...and sex is still pleasurable for us...but I feel a difference. =(


    I'm 6 weeks PP btw

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    I tore really bad too and I was terrified.. so we honestly got sloppy drunk for the first sex session & the next time we had sex I wasn't nervous! lol It's probably not the best advice but it worked for me!
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    I was 3rd degree tear that took an hour to stitch up... I was scared sh!tless!! We tried at 6 weeks and I was too nervous and it hurt quite badly. The last two times (both this week) have been better, but it still hurts when he gets too deep. I'm hoping it'll just keep getting better, I hate this being worried about pain crap.
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    I had a 2nd degree tear and we waited 4 weeks PP to have sex. It hurt going in at first (we used lots of lube) but once it was in it was amazing! I didn't want to stop, EVER and that's totally different than how I felt pre-pregnancy! Everytime since then has still been amazing!

    This. The 1st time was tender, we waited til this past weekend to try again & it was beyond amazing......... =)

    DD #1: BFP: 3-6-10 EDD: 11-10-10 Baby Girl Came 11-1-10
    DD #2: BFP: 8-19-18 EDD: 4-30-19
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    I had an episiotomy and just had my 6 week PP appointment today. So DH is getting extremely antsy. I'm terrified at this point. Luckily for me we have no way of preventing at this current point in time, so I'm in the clear!
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