The stupid Kodak commercial where the baby is zooming through the streets in a walker....then the picture gets printed off on the printer and then it goes back to the mom and dad and the mom says "now lets send a picture to Aunt blah, blah." and the baby is sitting in the farking walker near some railing in some mountainy scenic area...
There is SOOO much wrong with the commercial.
1. The song makes my ears bleed.
2. WHY is the baby near some ledge in a walker?
3. Do the parents travel with the walker to the mountains often? Did the baby hike up that mountain in the walker??
Its just STUPID!!!!
I hate it. Hate.
(and its too bad, because that baby is so cute.)
Re: commercial I cannot stand.
Stupid commercial, but I love the song. Even before they used it.
I love the song. When I used to work at Walmart a lady I worked with would sing it ALL the time. It reminds me of her. We worked together for 2.5yrs and we grew pretty close. She is old enough to be my gma (she has gkinds my age) and was such a sweet lady.
I had no idea what the song meant until she explained the roller skate/key thing to me.
I had this same conversation with DH recently. Like really, who goes sight-seeing with a walker?????
But I think the song is catchy. And the baby is awfully cute.
This is Luke's favorite commercial.
...and I don't find that baby cute. at.all.
Mum to Owen and Lucas
totally agree. That kid at the ledge of the damn Grand Canyon in a rolling walker?! And zooming between the cars on the highway? I know it's computer generated, but it gives me a heart attack every time I see it.
My H asked me if I thought they beat that baby with an ugly stick daily. Obviously he thinks its a pretty fug baby
That commercial starts me on a seething, burning hate spiral.
And isn't that song about sex?
You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.