I'm currently in the hospital dealing with pre-term labor issues, I've been in since Monday and have had all the fun drugs to slow my contactions. Things seem under control for the time being. Since being admitted I've swelled up terribly, my feet, legs and worst of all my lady bits are huge. I'm probably being sent home tomorrow and I'm worried mostly about the vaj swelling, it's so bad I can barely walk. (using a walker at the hospital). They've given me ice packs and tucks pads but nothing is helping. If you dealt with this, did you find anything helped to lessen the swelling or provide any relief? Thanks!
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Re: Excessive swelling before delivery?
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
I didn't swell my whole pregnancy and then my feet and legs swelled up like balloons AFTER having the boys due to all of the IV fluids they pump into you at the hospital. Hang in there.
I've been wondering about you. I didn't know you were in the hospital. I'm pulling for you and your little ones. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is uneventful. Congrats on making it to 32 weeks!