Cloth Diapering

Silly question about prepping...

OK, so I know you can't prep the organic stuff with the synthetic because of the oils, but it's ok if I prep a couple of organic items with a load of regular clothes, right?  I mean, I don't mind if the oils get on my clothes...I just don't want them to ruin my other diapers.  I have 1 fitted diaper and 1 prefold that need to be prepped, and I don't really want to run 3 loads just for those 2 small dipes, KWIM?

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Re: Silly question about prepping...

  • Its fine as long as you're using CD safe detergent when you wash them. Honestly, when I have just one or two new diapers or inserts to prep, I just throw them in with my regular dirty CDs. I do it all the time and I've never had an issue. I'd only worry about it if there were a lot (and then it would warrant a separate load). 


  • Yes, if I have one or two items to prep I usually throw it in with my DD's baby clothes (which I wash with CD safe detergent). I have also thrown it in with towels as well.
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  • That's what I do.
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