Parenting after 35

Eff Eff Eff Cee

Rom: "How're you feeling?"

Me: "A little tired, actually."

Rom: "Still?"

Grrr YES, still!  I'm in the first trimester, I take care of a toddler with no break and no family around, Rom does nothing around the house except the cat litter, and the baby still SLEEPS IN OUR BED.  Practically on me, too.  YES, I am STILL a little tired.

Oh, and plus every now and then he says "We should have sex at some point."  Oh, gosh, you mad romantic!  Shall I put it on my to-do-list?  Maybe instead of showering, or sleeping?



ETA - I guess the "c" part is that as sweet as he is, my other half PISSES ME OFF lately. 

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Re: Eff Eff Eff Cee

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    Wow, he really said that??? Men are so clueless!  Especially the sex comment.  How about replying "you should j*@k off at some point".  Devil  But if this is an FFFC then what's your confession?  If it's that you're still co-sleeping with M then you need a pep talk.  Or is Rom the one who is resisting moving her to her own room?  Just look at it this way...a little crying is far outweighed by your ability to be the best mom you can be to M and that requires unbroken sleep!  Plus you need all the sleep you can get to grow a healthy #2.  And M will probably sleep more soundly on her own because your noises and movements won't disturb her (no, not THOSE noises and movements, I'm talking about snoring!) Wink
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    Rom, that ol' charmer.Wink
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    blech. i need to think of you when i'm feeling utterly exhausted and like i'm doing everything alone... cuz at least i'm not k/u, too. sorry he's being a ... guy. ;)
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    Rom needs charm school. He can go with my DH who asks me "Don't you want to get laid at some point?" Geez! Pour on the romance, mister!
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    Men never surprise me..UGh ROM!!!
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    Why do our DHs think that somehow we don't need romance anymore?  My DH likes to announce to me during the day, "We're gonna do it tonight!"  He does it in a joking manner but it really irritates me.  then that night after we finally get both kids settled he wants to just jump right in - never mind that we probably haven't had dinner yet and I may not have sat down for 5 minutes all day. 

    I have not had any interest in sex since practically my second trimester and I still don't feel any interest two months after giving birth - not sure if it's related to BFing hormones or just being tired from having a new baby. I do take one for the team sometimes because I love him, but geez, couldn't you at least make an effort to help me get into the mood?

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    Makes me wish we could inject our men with the pregnant hormone fow a few weeks and let them understand the complete exhaustion that goes along with being pregnant.

    I cannot comment on Rom's mad romance skills ...I believe I myself have used that line at some pointEmbarrassed

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    I can relate (see my FFFC post, lol). DH leaves his dirty underwear/socks on the floor every night, stinks up the bathroom and doesn't do sh!t around the house and refuses to change a poopy diaper.

    And then he wonders why I'm not in the mood... get a clue!!

    Me: 44 DH: 42. DS born healthy at 40 weeks 8/24/09. TTC since then with no luck or ART. Surprise BFP 8/6/14... MMC @ 8 weeks 4 days... Miss you everyday sweet baby angel.
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    On the positive note, at least he was considerate enough to ask you how you are feeling. I can't recall my DH doing that.

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    When DH says idiotic stuff like that I tell him if he can get me in the mood then its on. Otherwise he can take a long shower with a bottle of conditioner.

    You would not believe the back rubs (and foot rubs!) that comment gets me! :D 

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    When DH says idiotic stuff like that I tell him if he can get me in the mood then its on. Otherwise he can take a long shower with a bottle of conditioner.

    You would not believe the back rubs (and foot rubs!) that comment gets me! :D 

    I'm so stealing this line!!

    Amy - sorry Rom is being well such a boy. 

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